
It may also have to do with geoengineering and some sort of metal poisoning. The rest you said is all accurate. Swabs and masks were imbued with etylene oxyde which is deadly for the lungs. They did pick 100 dead and turn them into 1 million but of those 100 some were poisoned and we’ll never really know why because they promptly burned the bodies. As typical with psyops - hide evidence, deny truth at all costs, possibly at the speed of science. :-)rn

You can’t drain blood from a stone. McCullough is old school, we need a new generation of real doctors. These are all compromised. It’s easy to say the frankenvax is bad when you know it was developed (allegedly) in 6 months but speaking truth about the isolation/genome fraud is like saying Bin Laden didn’t do 9/11. It’s too much for a sheep of the system that’s why we must work with the young and expose them to the truth of these frauds. It’s not the first and won’t be the last.

More like satan’s chosen people.

I don’t trust any of these doctors. I haven’t heard Kaufman speak recently but he’s the only one I would trust at all. McCullough gives you truths about the vaccine but he’s totally on board with the make believe Covid. If these experts would have spoken the truth from the beginning maybe we wouldn’t be in shape we are in now.

I have some theories on the deaths. I know for a fact that lots of nursing home deaths were caused by isolation from family, depression, watching CNN continually and finally being locked in their room (bed) when a fake outbreak occurred. There is nothing worse for your respiratory system than lying in bed 24/7, especially in the elderly. My second thought is I believe there was a reason they were pushing the testing so hard. I think the swabs or should I say bristles were tainted with something. I know for a fact that the early swabs were coated with ethylene oxide which is a known carcinogen. So we were jamming these swabs to basically our brain. Do you think any good could come of this.

It will take decades, if not centuries, to ascertain the truth. The problem is, it is a given fact the isolation of viral agents is a fraud. This means they don’t exist and they are made to exist, one hoax after the other, with the sole purpose of selling vaccines. rnrnIf there was no Bin Laden they couldn’t have done a controlled demolition. You need a red herring and that’s what Bin Laden is, it is exactly what the Sars-Cov2 is. rnrnIt’s not a virus, it’s a hoax devised to cover something else. How they DID kill people with pulmonary disease we will never know. In fact, we will never find evidence of the thermite in the 911 rubble, as they removed it right away.

I sort of run down the middle on this insane debate. I am completely sure there are contagious syndromes that are passed from person to person. I am so susceptible to conjunctivitis I can get it simply by touching anything somebody with pink eye touches (a phone, a glass, ...) so you can’t tell me its my body deciding to purge itself. Now, whether virology is a science or a cult or both is more difficult to ascertain. It seems to me that there are hundreds of valid papers on creating spike protein messages. And they do/can create them on computers and assemble them in labs. But, does the ’gain of function’ research work or not? Can you make a transmissible agent with a bat genome modified with spike proteins? I am not so sure. To me, they relabeled a very nasty flu (that disappeared during the scaredemic) as a different transmissible thing to get compliance. So, something that makes people sick does go around. But, is most of the ’science’ in this ’thing’ really ’science’ or computer hackers fooling around with things they don’t really understand? Hm.

My friend, I am/was the biggest skeptic of all since my life has been based on mac addresses and building networks. The way normal networks work is based on the OSI model. The entire industry does. For a network packet to work you gotta have a way to power it. Layer 1 of the OSI model does this. It’s the electrical signal that begins everything. I thought the mac address thing was ludacris at first just like the magnetic sticking arms. And then we saw thousands of people who had become magnetic. Now with a really low level test of simple war driving, the sheer amount of them is rather disturbing. The next test I am gonna do will hopefully be next week. Then we will fire this up inside a packed building and see what comes up. When we have more Bluetooth receivers than we do normal 802.11 wifi, something is definitely up. Bluetooth has always been a hackable method. I used to tell people when they left their homes to shut off their Bluetooth and wifi becaue they could easily get hacked. It’s as simple as listening to your phone looking for your home access point router and then we emulate what you normally connect to and you become mine. Once you join my network on Bluetooth or wifi all your packets are now mine to exploit. As I said before, a typical phone with Bluetooth on isn’t in receive mode. Just like when you pair 2 phones with Bluetooth, one has to open up and allow a connection before you can even see the Bluetooth. All of these unknown Bluetooth mac’s are already in the connection mode. Very very strange. Even if I can prove it 100%, I will always wonder exactly how they duplicated the OSI from a physical process to a biological process. Somehow people are able to power things that have been injected in them. Fascinating but extremely disturbing. More to come! Thanks for the discussion.

At this point in time, I neither like or dislike AJ. But credit due, AJ woke up many people in the early years before it became popular to question authority like today. I think his wife is/was Jewish and so he has to walk softly on this subject because of his kids and to retain some of his brainwashed fans who still believe history is completely true. The SH trial show was for all of us. Question anything we say (true or not) and you get sued to death. Whether it was all show or a show of force, he had to back down or lose it all - so I don’t judge him on that either. It is difficult for me to identify if either or both of these fellows are control-ops. I must admit, there was one Bro Nat video that identified all the players in industry and the dual citizens in Congress. That got my observation up on the issue. I thought Alex was rude as always and attempted to spin the whole Nat Z thing around Nat’s positions. Quite an interview.

Spidey senses proven right again.

Thank you for the explanation, although I do not believe people can emit Bluetooth signal (yet), I am more than interested in any research you will be making on this topic. I appreciate your efforts in this matter.

One further note is this. If you turn your Bluetooth on your device and it is just sitting there and not in pair mode, you won’t pick them up as a default. A Bluetooth device has to be in receive mode to ever broadcast the kinds of things that are being picked up. Most Bluetooth just sits and doesn’t do anything unless you connect to something that lives in receive mode. Phones do not live in receive mode even with Bluetooth enabled.

And you aren’t scanning a human runnings at hertz, you are scanning devices in them which will signal at the same as what appears Bluetooth does. You wouldn’t be scanning 8 hertz, you are scanning known frequencies and the people are broadcasting.

And none of this makes any difference because the peoples phones aren’t sitting there trying to connect into a Bluetooth network. There is a difference between transmit and receive and all these Mac addresses showing up would need to be open for Bluetooth connections. You aren’t even talking the same thing on this docs. This is talking about anonymous Mac address when connecting into a network. The Mac addresses that are scanning are awaiting a receive.

This is an Android 10 and 11 setup. By default Bluetooth isn’t enabled on decides. Most people are not cruising around with Bluetooth in and enabled. From the war driving scans this isn’t what I am seeing. I stand by my theory the people are now producing mac addresses. When I have time I will be able to prove it fully.

I think he is in good faith, he just bought the virus narrative but is aware of frankenvax deaths and is on our side. Same as mccullough. Problem is... if you and i were doctors, wouod we be willing to accept we bought this narrative and our whole profession was a lie? Not everybody has the strength of the Baileys, Kaufmans, Cowans... reality is simple its the lies that affect your psyche the hard part to handle.

NASA Going Nowhere Since 1958

Show me where android devices spoof their mac addresses.

Human body frequency is between 5Hz and 10Hz, Bluetooth frequency is between 2.4 GHz and 2.48 GHz, Wi-Fi bands are 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz, so I doubt you can detect any humans using a Bluetooth scanner. The unnamed MAC addresses are most likely MAC randomized addresses generated by Android devices (could be others type of devices too) when probing for new networks while not currently associated with a network.