
Well as with all networking things the people could have an ACL built in that they will only respond to certain IPs or mac addresses. I am sure they wouldn’t just leave the humans wide open.

Glad to see you put your IT skills on this....The French team seem to think that these Mac Addresses have a built in security feature

I am convinced the people are now part machines awaiting their instructions. This is patent 060606 that we are experiencing. This answers a lot of questions. How long does humanity have left....not long. Since they are jamming the kids up, those of us not vaxxed are the last of the breed. Everyone else will be from birth installed with a part machine interface. And when you mix iron and clay you get the weakest of all civilizations. The Book of Daniel explains this well. The people are sick, the end of the humans is here and only those unvaxxed are still human. Wild to even fathom this.

Here is the exhibit >>>>

So what are you claiming about these scenes?

Fuck Alex Jones the Jew apologist . Alex is still denying that Jews control all money on earth which means they control all politics on earth and everything else . He is also in his commercial pushing his 9/11 prediction of planes being used that day , when he knows there were no planes used at any location . Of course another Israeli participation agenda being pushed . Infowars is no doubt another Jew sponsored disinformation agency . Jews are 100% a collective !!!

It’s appears he was right...

Well that’s the thing. They only appear spoofed to us because they aren’t in any public database like every other single mac address. If this is as it appears there is a whole new slew of networking devices all around us. If the powers that be truly were able to pull this off, they could have every single person identified by these mac addresses. Just because it’s spoofed doesn’t mean it’s fake, it means it’s a device on the rogue with no real manufacturer. The people are now network nodes it appears. Do they have a full operating system as well? Well someone is gonna have give the humans an IP address and scan them and see what’s up.

Honestly big ups to AJ for having Brother Nathanael on. He might end up paying for this one.rnSeems like since he’s obviously muzzled on the topic, his go around is to have people on that can speak some truth. Then again maybe I’m giving AJ more credit than he deserves. Hard to know.

Should put warning mutilation of a baby! graphic video...But we live in a graphic world so many idk here...cause idk.only human

If God don’t make mistakes then why circumcise ? Besides it’s written if we are circumcised then we remain under the law and not faith! Question if we are made in his image was he circumcised also? I think we may have been lied to cause the kjvb is corrupt Ephesians 6:12 in Geneva bible states differently from the kjvb go look it up.. I dumped the kjv for that reason alone besides the laws are placed in our hearts cause our Father knows them( our hearts) and it seems to be where the truth comes from and where our Father lives id say we must have faith most of all importance first... I say all things in this world are corrupted! love just maybe ONLY truth ,true love i mean.

So are you saying that the MAC addresses coming from people are all spoofed addresses? Like, basically they’re fake inputted addresses? So they can’t really be identified?

Bluetooth is still very much used.

Yuval Noah Harrari said it already.. people are "hackable animals"


you can post on

reminds me of the Matrix thing about parasites

and who uses blue tooth any more. Maybe I got old.

This is like a War Games movie plot.... awesome

Enough is enough already.