
This is just another way to dumb down society. It’s a perfect plan, people would be more apt to never give up their phones than give a rats ass about the health of their children.

I am curious as what your views are. 7 thumbs up here which usually means the approval of the collective. If I was gonna rate this I would probably thumbs down it because without an investigation into all other skin colors and finding the repulsive bastards there that do this, it seems lopsided.

I really don’t think evil is a skin color thing. Evil is a human thing and yes these dudes are some filthy trash that need to be burned alive but saying blacks are trash or labeling everyone black as a monster isn’t right. Throughout history it has been men of all colors that do the worst of all evil. These guys all have terrible parents. What you are witnessing is called generational curses. But guaranteed there are bands of white dudes or Chinese dudes that all go around raping people. Maybe I missed the point but ol Rense seems to be condemning an entire color of skinned people which is extremely ignorant.

A synagogue needs semen stained mattresses for worshipping?

I’m shocked that NYPD was even ALLOWED to arrest a Jew. They will probably get word from Israel to release them all.

It’s hard to say what you REALLY want to say here without drawing the ire of the collective. Enough said.

“Bugger” I had a good chuckle with that one!!

These people are beyond reproach, without stain and the world including you and I was created solely for them, how dare you suggest otherwise. Are you a Natzy?

The thing is the same people who crippled them are the same ones that own the medical system and medical supply system. it is a win win for them.....Know your enemy!!!!!

Come on Demond, those same people you claim you worked with on stage in New York, Al Pacino, Ron O’Neal, Sidney Poitier, are the same bend over Billies, you spoke of out of the other side of your mouth, your not all wrong, but your not all right.

The Israelis built the tunnels in Palestine they claim Hamas built IMO, it’s easy for vermin to build tunnels it’s in their DNA.

They will fill them in with cement just like they did with the tunnels in the McMartin preschool sex molestation case without any further investigation. Can’t have Satanic Panic going on.

Don’t all them Jews like to bugger other men?

So many holes in this one. The first interview we see from this video the guy says they could hear rockets and gunshots at 6 AM yet we also have a video in the last upload from this channel that’s supposed to be from the same party where we see people dancing as late a time as 6:30 AM. The videos they show in this video also completely contradict the other ones if you pay attention to the sky the video at 7:41 the sky is way darker than the much brighter sky we see in the video of the girls dancing even though that video is supposed to be before. So it seems to me like these were separate scripted scenes filmed at different times of the day and on different days in the wrong order which contradict the official version of the events. What a complete fraud.


There’s no doubt in my mind now that it’s a complete hoax. If you watch more of the videos that were supposedly taken you can see so many plot holes in the official story they give us. There’s videos of people running away during the "attack" and the guy recording the video is just standing there and doing nothing when he should be running away with them. If this were a real event the camera guys wouldn’t just be standing there getting footage because they would be at risk of getting killed. But obviously this event is a hoax so its filled with plot holes.

Wouldn’t you know. The NYPD had the tunnels immediately filled with concrete , burying and INTENTIONALLY DESTROYING any potential evidence related to additional crimes possibly committed underground!

Safe and effective.

Not just Any Synagogue. It was the World Headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch synagogue in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. They believe they will have 2800 goy slaves when their God Moshiach, returns to earth. The Kushners belong to this insane cult. Ivanka converted to it to marry Jared.

Remember, according to the Holy Book of Jewish law, The TALMUD, sex with a girl under 3 is permissible.