
if a man points his finger at the moon, look at the moon not his finger. your questions about My finger is making you miss seeing the moon

Bill hicks is fat plus a liar living under aka alex jones how can I trust anything he spews out! U can’t

Kike Adams

Eleanor mcbean book titled the poisoned needle... A book titled the zodiac and the salts of salvation both prove or claim viruses don’t exist that its the terrain .one things for sure is cancer did not exist till vaccines came out! And Amish dont vax and prove no cancer exist nor does autisum! Steve kircsh proved that plus no covid deaths or mask warn or social distancing and 0%deaths .facts. Be told

Very Sad indeed!! So many. People have and are perishing ! They most likely will be in Hell torment and after the judgement the lake of fire.. Cry out to Yahuah while he still may be fpund! Read his written word, the bible.Follow his commandkents. Revence his name. And call on him through his son Yahusha. Youse his Solar luner calander !Keep his Sabboths it’s a sine we belong to him

I would be careful with anything put forth by Eric Dubay. He pushes the NWO Freemason AE model of the Earth which has been proven impossible. (Heliocentrism is false too). They seek to closely tie the Biblical scriptures to their false flat Earth model so they can debunk both simultaneously. The Jesuits knew that more and more people would eventually start to figure out that our world is flat, so they prepared well in advance to release the NWO Freemason AE pressurized pizza dome model which is also false but used as a trap to those who figure out that Heliocentrism is false.

There actually was an anti-Masonic party in the 1820s, but it was quickly co-opted and fell into oblivion.

They want people just smart enough to do their slave jobs but not smart enough to realize how badly they are getting screwed over.

New International Version: Revelation 3:9rnI will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.

There must be a means of hacking or circumventing the security that is protecting these devices. If we can figure out what it is, then we can expose this Satanic agenda for what it is.

These avatar bodies of ours are essentially highly advanced code so it makes sense that they would be "hackable".

The Internet of People. Now imagine this technology in combination with Virtual Reality technology. Could a person possibly be made to forget that they are in a virtual world thus giving the VR creators complete control over their world and experiences?

I never completely trusted her, as she was constantly being promoted by Gabe Zolna on YouTube, till he started peddling his stuff on Mike Adams channel on Brighteon.

ALEX JONES is a lying sack of human excrement, in the beginning break of the video, they claimed AJ warned of an attack on America, actually it was William Cooper who said they are planning something big, and they will blame it on Osama bin Laden, and don’t you believe them. AJ only began saying he predicted 911 after Bill Coopers assassination. It was Alex who threw Sandy Hook Truthers under the bus after he convinced them that no one died at Sandy Hook, and then did an about face, saying schizophrenic Sandy Hook Truthers made him believe no one died at Sandy Hook. Here he sounded like a used car salesman, who cut Brother Nathanel off at every turn trying to divert and misdirect every question and answer. AJ works for The Jew World Order.

The evidence against NASA is overwhelming at this point.

1) Bacteriophages, phages or bacterial viruses may well exist. Their role may be to control the over-growth of bacteria. Bacteriophages Lambda lyses the host bacteria E.coli under stress conditions. Just because bacterial viruses exist, does not mean plant and animal viruses likewise exist. Phages are used as tools in molecular biology. 2) The inside of our bodies (excluding the contents of our digestive system) are meant to be sterile. Bacteria secrete toxins. If there is damaged flesh, bacteria may overgrow and cause a problem. Perhaps this is why antibiotics can help. Bacteria cause problems, but only when there is an initial problem first. Terrain Theory is very helpful in understanding the problems we face, but the overgrowth of bacteria and their toxins subsequent to an initial problem may confuse some people.

Yes indeed....Fuck Alex Jones.

lol. The Rothschilds trying to get rid of Netanyahu. Sure Alex. Jones pushes nonstop lies.

AJ is so full of crap its insane. He is on Twitter trying to argue the Anglo-American Establishment is trying to take control of the world again.

Well as with all networking things the people could have an ACL built in that they will only respond to certain IPs or mac addresses. I am sure they wouldn’t just leave the humans wide open.