
Another murdered by Pfizer.

Suprize Suprize No Suprize! Fiberius clots in the jabbed. New phenomenon. Embalmers reporting never seen before clots forming in veins and arteries ! World Wide Geneside. So sad people are perishing. Seek Yahuah while he May be found.

That cop was way out of line. He was either an idiot or on a power trip. The man was on private property. Was the cop really that dumb to not know he had no Well done the driver held his ground!

Completely staged. The girls KNEW they were acting and making some serious shekels, too. Gotta love the picture of the fake leg wound where they focus on her tits. Those POS Khazarian Jews just gotta have some kind of soft porn to sell the BS story.

You may be right! I thought the same thing myself. The mass dieoffs of Americans would collapse the country without replacements. Millions of empty houses..

Catchy beat. Very true!

funny how people that dont study law, argue voting preferences to how effective the Enforcement of law at various checkpoints of society. he only sows the seeds of discord, doesn’t really ellaborate on anything but corporate policy assumptions. Starting with Verax911 "Soon Blackrock and Vanguard will own EVERYTHING" would be to respond in likeness as a stock investor of the pump and dump scheme to proxy reorganize every interest to any number of proxy hedge fund managers, yet nobody is working for that ledger of interest in that nomination of currency: you still can run ahead of the real estate surveyors and appraisers for vacant land. the legal context of a registered Owner is still a debtor in Administrative law and commerce in general: most people are sellouts, and dont know they are still a franchise of government teamwork.

I have long thought that all the "cancer" we are seeing is to a large extent only cancer diagnoses. I am particularly suspicious of "breast cancer." Once they get you into the system, cut up, and then irradiated and treated with poison drugs, you may as well have cancer, as your life is ruined, and you will probably die from the treatment.

I smell a Jw somewhere in the back ground and it stinks. They have no regard for live other than them you/we are animals and money to them

They forgot to mention human placenta in shampoo conditioner and skin moisturizers.

Yes. Incredible. Myocarditis is a death sentence for 50% in 5 yrs and 75% in 10 yrs.

Just think of all the doctors that do this and never get caught. My dad was told he had prostate cancer 20 years ago based on just the BS PSA test. He refused all treatments and is now 93 with no cancer.

Happens alot in black hoods the false positives lies I read over 10 years ago

Never happen for big pharmacy or coviid lies! Fyi the false positives have been around way before coviid this is not news news he just was exposed but a nurse 12 years ago told me there are false positives on all test even aids but 100% truths on negatives are only 100% accuracy rate..they been telln people for years they got cancers and been lyin most of the time they did it to Susan sommers from 3s company he/she said in a video years ago!

This happens a lot more than people realize. And doctors get paid hundreds of thousands a year to inject their patients with poison shots.

Some of the best research going on right now, and literally most people have no idea. Thanks Charlie.

The time will come for them, I have no doubt, it might be a few years but eventually they will get thrown under the bus by the powers to be, and rightfully so I think, in order to quell public outrage for the backlash from the jabs. "I was just doing my job" is bullshit. Morals are a thing and people will learn to stand by them very very soon. They will learn that you sacrifice everything for morals or you perpetuate the culture of evil & potential for it.

Right and they should all face a death sentence .

What this guy did wasn’t that much different than all the doctors who were pushing the Covid jabs.

All countries bought covid-19 test equipment back in 2017. I’ve understood, the "vaccines" were invented and researched by DARPA, and put in mass production and distribution by private companies. Many of these private companies are actually fronts for the Pentagon, thus extensions of the military industrial complex. Like McDonalds that’s some kind of slowkill enterprise. Just think of how many people Coca Cola has killed, of course it cannot be proven directly, but in reality many people get sick and die, because of these products over years of use.