
FU you SOB

Kansas City Strong -

Mike Adams is a sellout POS. You can’t trust anything he says. I was completely done with him after his BS about the Las Vegas concert shooting hoax. He did an exotic diagram, using special "software", to show where the gunfire came from. In fact, there was no real gunfire. They used the speakers at the show to play the sounds of gunfire. In fact, they almost poisoned him to death after the Boston Marathon Hoax. He did a great article on it shortly after it happened. That’s when he "flipped". After he got better, he pulled the article down, with some bogus excuse, and never did any more on it. Next thing you know, he has a state of the art laboratory complete with the most expensive and sophisticated equipment.

Brother, there isn’t anyone else like Peggy. The greatest freedom warrior EVER!

Bless you brother. I’m in contact with her on her substack channel.

I’m in direct contact with Peggy. I’m almost 72 YO and she is the single greatest freedom fighter ever! She saw these 153 vids via me posting them on her substack channel. She is amazing. She helped more people, businesses and students during the scamdemic than anyone. It’s not even close. Her husband is a pastor. God Bless the one and only, Peggy Hall!

its obvious to us what this news piece is about

Oh Brother! He needs to be strung up alongside his cohorts after a speedy trial.

Many heart problems already with athlete’s who took the jab rnwho work out and have strenuous exercise routines.

Yes that’s what the Boston Bombing Hoax was about, banning black powder used in the fake pressure cooker bombs, and modern propellent as well, Tannerite will be next.

Saw a video where heavy rubber bands were used, they also will be next on the list.

Here is a good video on how some of these crisis actor are recruited. The Title is BOSTON MARATHON BOMBING LARPING THE MEXICAN HERO.

something disturbing about the words past away peacefully, its god dam fucking murder, what peacefully about that.


Very well done, I believe that Brittain’s Got Talent and America’s Got Talent are there to recruit the young over to the dark side, look up Juliette Sims before and after, much like Disney has done with Hannah Montana AKA Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and Christina Aguilera, just to name a few, and they are all there to perform at the Satanic Grammy’s or the Superbowl Halftime Satanic rituals. Such a sad story and waste of a beautiful voice and promising life that is now lost.

I like his laugh at 8:03. Excellent video.

INNOCENCE IN THE THE BEST OF PEOPLE. The fakery from these satanic slime balls, they couldn’t give 2 fucks for anyone but themselves, as i say, your a hero for the moment, that goes for most of the people around you who claim to be your best fried, an i lying, i wish i was.

So many similarities like in the Boston Bombing Hoax. One is where the surround those allegedly shot doing fake CPR procedures so no independent video clips can be seen, it’s a closed set