
Somebody must be a Beckham fanboy and thumbed this video down. He and the Kelsey brothers need strung up by their balls and stoned to death.

Kelse played his part well, thus earning the Super Bowl victory.

Why are the cameras looking up at Aster and Nasa guy, aren’t they normally right in front of the ones being interviewed?

I understand, So called truther channels can save time with out doing research because our content creators have already done it for them. Not that they do the right thing with it. Just saying that a channel can and does have an advantage by monitoring 153news which I’m happy Peggy Hall does. Heck 153news is my first stop every day to catch up on the world. I had the Kansas City story figured out in just minutes by checking here first!


Yup the mathematical equations explaining bullet trajectories killed it for me too, plus him and AJ are 2 peas in a pod.

Nice going Trutherz!

Incredible voice . TRAGIC and deliberate end to a young life on the threshold of a great ? career

I figured there might have been others as well as myself I would always put visit for uncensored content multiple times on her Livestream...... Thank you as well.

I get nauseous when I see the "Strong" BS. Started after the Boston Marathon Hoax. I lived there for over 60 years and knew immediately, it was a staged hoax.

Screw this lousy sell out and its scrawny tranny "wife"

FU you SOB

Kansas City Strong -

Mike Adams is a sellout POS. You can’t trust anything he says. I was completely done with him after his BS about the Las Vegas concert shooting hoax. He did an exotic diagram, using special "software", to show where the gunfire came from. In fact, there was no real gunfire. They used the speakers at the show to play the sounds of gunfire. In fact, they almost poisoned him to death after the Boston Marathon Hoax. He did a great article on it shortly after it happened. That’s when he "flipped". After he got better, he pulled the article down, with some bogus excuse, and never did any more on it. Next thing you know, he has a state of the art laboratory complete with the most expensive and sophisticated equipment.

Brother, there isn’t anyone else like Peggy. The greatest freedom warrior EVER!

Bless you brother. I’m in contact with her on her substack channel.

I’m in direct contact with Peggy. I’m almost 72 YO and she is the single greatest freedom fighter ever! She saw these 153 vids via me posting them on her substack channel. She is amazing. She helped more people, businesses and students during the scamdemic than anyone. It’s not even close. Her husband is a pastor. God Bless the one and only, Peggy Hall!

its obvious to us what this news piece is about

Oh Brother! He needs to be strung up alongside his cohorts after a speedy trial.