
e just have and idea to make a video and lough back i wasn’t prepared to trawl through youtube all day to find the right lough, so decided on this funny one. cant please everyone Jason as you have probably found in this truth game. nice one. shared you last video on the MAC ADRESS VACCINATED -

nice one

shadow banned on bitchute

shadow banned on bitchute

They attack me while I sleep! Plant dreams ! Also dew emf frequencies zappn organs etc! I Am not vax d! I believe its in our food water chemtrails etc

Fa jew mf

When its a hoax you will always have the grieving families explaining how such a great person the she or he was! Lol! I Am shocked he wasnt laughing or smiling cause they usually do that also!!

100 K just a little seed money to get everyone else to follow her/it’s lead.

Complete hoax. She and her family, hit the "killed crisis actor" lottery. New name and lots of cash, and probably will get another job doing the same thing for another network.

I think it’s time to kick my Uncle Satan, my former employer, dead square in his fkn nuts again.

She, should i say it, is really the same actor that played Chelsea Manning. Compare bone structure and everything else side by side. I did earlier today.

TS has the same bone structure and everything as that phony Chelsea Manning. Probably one in the same.

Fuck that mixed breed whore. I hope she did actually die.

Ha ha ha....yup

That, or he really doesn’t have it, and they will come up with a miraculous fake cure that they will assure everyone that it’s safe and effective, and those that adore tyrannical Kings and dictators will line up in droves to get the new cancer cure.

Yeah they are smarter than us, we need to listen to the message that they have been brainwashed with.

I bet a current view would be just a bloodbath.

That’s a great point.

How would this kid know what it’s like to be stabbed?

Yeah, those kindergarten active shooter drills get pretty intense.