

Same playbook, alike but different is their motto.

Correct, i have GSs on my FB page just to trigger them. Like bump stops, they want to ban anything and everything that can level the playing field. The audio sounded identical to Vegas. Injected.

They want to ban all fireworks because collectively one can extract the powder undetected and use it to blow their asses up.

I also agree with your assessment in the description box.

This staged event must have been a collaboration between the Boston marathon and Las Vegas hoax perpetrators.

Instant Love. Never heard of her. I appreciate the info immeasurably. Such a doll. I’d appreciate any guidance towards similar like minded people or resources. I genuinely connect with the ideology she presents, realism, truth, and her attractive soul. Very hard for me to find these days.

I expect to hear Glock Switch to be brought up in this BS narrative shortly, How else could handguns fire that fast as the perpetrator was spinning in a circle, which made it sound like fireworks during a Mexican Holiday? Let’s see, they have also brought up American Gun stores, as they were not successful during Obama’s Fast and Furious under corrupt Attorney General Eric Holder trying to blame American Gun dealers for running illegal guns to the cartels in Mexico, they never give up. They also made it known that bad actors were responsible for this event, (REALLY BAD) what else do they need to tell you.

How many of these fake events have we heard the actors say they initially thought there were fireworks. Same script, different location and day as all the other fake shootings.

I used to share 153 news with my Farcebook friends until a couple of them commented "I don’t follow those conspiracy sites". I don’t use Farcebook anymore it has become a joke with nothing but ads.

the footage is cgi fake. Directed Energy tech is real, this is not. Anyone that believes the media would tell you any truths is clueless. Remember that the Governor is just a meatsuit for the camera and has no power. Same with Paradise and Chile

Hey, the talking head said he reached-out to the Genesee theater...the Joel O’Stein Lake-of-Fire church hoax woman/man shooter/shootee had one of her names as Genesee. Hmmmm.

I especially like the dancing nurses conjuring demons. And the doctors that made a fortune killing humans. Hooray. The wolf shall lay with the lamb! No! The Lion..

and still, "...I’m still not convinced it’s the vaccine." She wants to hit him and she loves him and wants to cry. Imagine how many decades they’ve spent together and she’s going to lose him to this. When he said he’s going to die from it and he’s okay with that. I don’t think she’s okay with it.

School itself is such a waste. I mean, the average school day could be three hours. You don’t need p.e. and you don’t need lunch. History is questionable. English and history could be mixed together. Maybe some math, music, art, reading. Something thought provoking. I once took a class on economics in 7th grade. that’s where I learned how to make-out a check. I thought later in life it was the most practical class. Everyone should be taught how the money system works. How to buy a house. How to save money. How the money system works and who manipulates it. But, the biggest part of life is money and you go through twelve grades and they don’t teach shit. I had no idea how to buy a home. i used to think you needed the whole amount saved up. I was never introduced to loans etc...

Like NASA scientists. Proving everything with math that when you go to the real world things aren’t always a math problem. But that is VERY huge in this genocide that was basically voluntarily. I’m he least educated of everyone I know that took it but THEY took it. Why. And one thing my mother used to always say when she was going to law school, "If the facts don’t fit the theory. CHANGE THE FACTS. not the theory." I have a theory about Bill Gates and politicians and masons and jesuits and authority and zionists and voodoos and anyone on television and educators. Based on that information and a lifetime of observing and the clown shit they were showing from asia (thanks RV Truth for those videos) I had NO QUESTION it was death The FACTS WERE WRONG. So everyone in my family used to say it and they took it.

Respect to the wife. Maybe the dude doesn’t want to admit that he fucked-up. He says he’s sure he’ll die from it in a month or a year and he’s fine with that. NOT REALLY. I read a short story called, Paul’s Case, written in the 30s or so. Spoiler Alert. At the end the guy jumps from a bluff in front of a train coming down the track and just before impact he realizes he’s got so much to live for.

Typical "educated" by-the-book. The wife knows, eh! Oh, hey, my clue, NOT to take it was when Bill Gates PUBLICLY SAID that there are too many people and he can kill them with improvements in vaccines and reproductive care. SO THERE’s THAT. I thought that the wife was rude, talking FOR him but that he’s still in denial I can see why she’s intent on speaking for them.

I wonder how it would be if I was, say, thirty years old visiting my mom and saying, "Hey, remember when you took me to a hoax shooting event and we lied about me being shot. That was fun."

Ya’ gotta love at the 25-second mark. 15 15 15 as we know is three 6s. And there are five children. One more could’ve been wearing the 15 or one less. But three are wearing it. Three 6s.