
Yeah, those kindergarten active shooter drills get pretty intense.

King Charles is modelling ‘having cancer’?“… [The] ruling classes wanted to normalise an epidemic of ‘covid’.rn“Now they want to normalise an epidemic of cancer …

That’s the unpardonable sin according to them, but they will zap you for what they consider medical misinformation and anything else they don’t agree with, it’s a fascist platform.

Wow! So fast!

With less than 40 people watching, YouTube is a demon cess pool.

Well they certainly set about to entrap him and there also was a claim that he Brandished a firearm which Bill saud was falsern and he was armed and was expecting something by them and they used a ruse of loud teenages making a ruckus at the end of the street where he lived and he went down to get thhem to disperse, the police or whatever you want to call them were told under no circumstances would he be allowed to get back to his home. They didn’t try to entrap Randy Weaver either did they? They paid the survivors of the family 3.1 million dollars admitting guilt in my mind, and they wanted to get rid of Bill without a doubt. Nuff said believe what you like with all due respect.

The claims of Cooper getting killed because of tax evasion appear to me to be a false pretext. If memory serves, Cooper stopped paying income tax in 1986. He was killed in 2001. One is reminded of the book "Three Felonies A Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent." If they want to come in get anyone they’ll use any pretext.

Certainly one of them as they wanted to charge him with tax evasion on income earned from his radio program books tapes and speaking engagements, yes there were other obvious reasons as Bill Clinton called him the most dangerous man in talk radio and internet but he knew he would not be allowed to live if he were arrested on these charges, and that is one reason why he sent his wife and child away.

Much more to come, as the Slime Stream Media tries to cover these events up and are brushed off as normal everyday occurrences.

Are you saying Cooper was killed because of his stance on taxes?

Who failed the immigration policies? The very same person saying he is fixing them by bypassing them. The amount of double speak is shocking to me. Doesn’t anybody hear this shameless gas lighting?

In the late 90s i came up with the idea of how to use household components to create an emp device to take out satellites or to eliminate someone without any outwards signs or incriminating evidence. Those rudimentary methods, lacking in sophistication, are not even needed. Except to control the fat, lazy, and ignorant useful idiots that abound.

Good for you I get your point, but William Milton Cooper chose that path and it cost him his life, if there were a way for everyone to do this in unison while there are still a large number of armed Americans this could work, and they will still make examples of those who resist to keep the sheep in fear and trembling, just like they did to Bill Cooper and the Weaver family who paid the ultimate price, to paraphrase Aldous Huxley, a prison without walls where the prisoners would not even dream of escaping where through consumption and entertainment the prisoners would love their servitude.

Such as? Whatever your personal experience was is just that—personal, limited to you as an individual. The proposition here is for Americans in communities to consider uniting to do this. "These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it NOW, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. - Thomas Paine "for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” "If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” - Samuel Adams

I question who has access to him and refuses to take one for the team!

If just 1% of the population would do this TOGETHER...

From personal experience: I strongly suggest that you demonstrate your unhappiness through some other means.

Great point by Peggy about the fraud of lamenting fake shooting deaths while supporting murder of babies and let’s not forget trying to hide the jab genocide. Fetzer needs to learn the difference between a hoax and a false flag. Trump didn’t keep us out of wars, he continued the wars of aggression in the Middle East.

Eric Rosand heading up another Jewish racket to plunder the goy and destroy America.

What was remarkable is that Paul Craig Roberts covered the Las Vegas shooting and called it out as a hoax. Adams, as with AJ and so many others, tries to overwhelm people with information and thus fear. Anyone actually seeking to convey truth will just lay out the facts of the case before the people for them to analyze and decide. Adams and AJ are operations aimed at immobilizing people through a steady supply of fear and sense of helplessness.