

They say the eyes are the windows to the souls. There is something very odd about these kids eyes. The dude expresses delight when saying it’s his 10th time like he’s proud to be an actor. Them kids are evil.

Bee ‘Cuz the Truth Matters Donated.

Can’t say more than that.

Shot in the side and no one realizes it until they got home? Can we get a believable script? The blood on the shirt is a joke. They say "wounds" in this video but pictures show only one fake wound.

Mother said when they got to the house that’s when they found the bullet hole in his ribs. Really. Would he not have blood all over?

I have been saying the very same narrative that you elucidate here shortly after the rollout of the SCAMDEMIC.

Shot twice in the foot and he is out in 24 hours and his foot shows zero evidence of wounding. Joke. Remarkably, this requires us to believe the shooter was basically aiming at the ground.

The kid is as dumb as a rock. You can tell he was told to keep his responses short and stick to the script. What a joke. There are a billion ways to fake wounds. What a pathetic job on the fake wound and the narrative. So, he gets hit in the side and his ribs aren’t broken? No bruising? Nonsense.

Humans need to. This IS the evil above all other evil. These creatures don’t need prompting to be evil. It is their nature. That’s why the synagogue of satan and the voodoo work together ALWAYS. Who paraded Boule Martin Lucifer drag-queen around as a hero. Who props them up in movies ALWAYS as either a hero or a victim. Who’s shipping them over into human lands for hundreds of years. Humans need voodoos to do their work for them!!! ???? Have people looked at africa vs. europe. The voodoo couldn’t even figure out how to sweep the floor of one of the cathedrals made by humans.

If you’ll notice in the riots the cops stand down. Cops are masons and, I don’t know how else to put it, masonry is a nigger cult. The hidden hand. The pornographers and drug dealers and rapists and thieves.

Oh, in backward clown world we know what inclusion and diversity mean. Yes. And the Yamikas are laughing. This is payback for our ancestors not letting the yamikas rape our children and destroy our little societies so many centuries ago. Now, they get to cut off human penises and unleash their golem-creation. Just like golem of the movie.

It would take an armour piercing round to penetrate all that blubber on that beached whale.

If there’s one reason to hate the vile filth that’s masquerading as jews and to hate the freemasons masquerading as humans and the jesuits masquerading as Christians and the homosexual/transgenders masquerading as fags and cross-dressers, it’s that they created these in a laboratory and then unleashed them into humanity. Satan’s mockery of God’s creation. Hebrew - Israelites. Ah, yes. The old Hebrew-Israelite line. Because that’s a TRUE story. Gee, I’m starting to wonder if maybe they didn’t want to integrate into schools to better themselves but MAYBE it was to niggerize the humans of the world down to the level of baboons. Lord, could you imagine if humans went into a store and did that. These creatures were invented to destroy God’s creation. They are so evil it’s unbelievable.

The scum that dish out this OBVIOUSLY faked crap ,have nothing but disdain and contempt (rightly so ) for the dumbed down masses . And MAN !does it show with these two lying thespian wannabees . ESPECIALLY Miss piggy with the ring in its snout . As for Mr Cool , what did they shoot him with - a peashooter ??

If only there was a way to tell satan’s tribe from real humans. Like if satan were to have made them with pubic hair on the top of the head and if they were hideously ugly and looked like primates or smelled terrible and spoke ebonics. It’s important to remember that humans went and brought them into their society to pick cotton. Yes. I remember, they were starved out of europe by bankers and freemason, jesuits, zionists, homosexuals and whores and so they dropped by africa, because that’s where good hard workers come from, and then the european continued his journey to america where he landed and grew cotton.

This is a great idea...I just bought one.

The ball player was a star pitcher in Texas. He had an entrance and exit wound under an ear and the back of the head. This kid had very curly, thick hair and the first thing the ER would do would be to shave the hair around the wound so they could clean the wound properly. That didn’t happen what did happen was they slapped a piece of gauze down and taped it to his thick, curly hair. This was the most horseshit thing I’d ever seen in my life.

No worries her magic backpack was full of donuts. Incase she needed a snack?

This kid made a few statements that a 10 y/o wound not say. He mentioned the word “trauma” and at the end he mentioned something about his future. So he was shot in the ribs. Prove it! Let’s see the entrance wound. If they would show us some proof maybe some of us crazy conspiracy theorists would go away but since there is no proof these lying bastards will continue to be exposed.