
They start in a setting full of football fans, who are already thick as 2 planks, and then they hire even dumber crisis actors for the news story. The levels of stupidity are staggering. How does anyone even carry out the most basic day-to-day activity down there?

Why did he have to get back to the hospital when he said his kids were in bed and his wife sitting next to him?

Poly = ManyrnTics = Blood sucking parasites.rnrnGovern = ControlrnMent = MindrnrnThey come right out and tell us what they are. Yet nobody can see it.

3-6 months before he can walk? 00:45 He says he looked down and saw smoke, do gun shot wounds smoke? He could not understand why he could not walk? Why would the shooter be shooting toward the ground?

I think his comment was to whoever "Joesy whales" is.

When did gun shot wounds get so large? All BS.

He said he got no sleep because of trauma, what kids uses the word ’trauma’? He said he was worried he had no future, odd.

Absolutely, I’m in total agreement.

PS, I hope she doesn’t get dinged, not really sure how the AL-GORE-RHYTHM works?

I for one have been sending her links to this site and maybe others too, I have also been posting her videos on 153 Telegram, however it came about, I’m just glad that others can come here for uncensored content, thanks to all of us for helping to get the truth out.

There are more people that use this sight than admit it, Mike Adams is just one but never credits us. Thank you Peggy Hall for doing so. I have been knowing that people get up to speed quickly by monitoring Here is a link to Peggy Hall doing good work on the Kansas City hoax using BitChute

The drills themselves are meant to traumatize students and parents and obviously anyone who sees these kinds of videos in the mainstream media. Just another aspect of selling gun control.


You know a gun shot when you hear it . Sam is a LIAR , LIAR Pants on Fire !

The big problem with these types of exercises is that they have nothing to do with safety, and people have been conditioned to so much fake blood and gore on TV that a video crew participating in these rehearsals can and do pawn these images off on a dumbed down public, and the News Media uses them for a gun control/confiscation agenda.

What a bunch of BS !

So interesting, people will take an experimental jab, but you getting close to them with a camera freaks them out, LOL.

Keep the ideas coming! Need to bring in some green.

Should think about some serious merch designs, it would be a great way to bring income for the site. Think of cool slogans, like "153 News - The last place for free speech" on a shirt. Maybe come up with a fresh logo that catches attention. Adjust the colors of the site to be more eye-friendly, like a dark mode. I wish I had time to help with these things, but unfortunately all I can do is offer suggestions at this time. I ordered a sticker and made a donation just now. Hope it helps!