
I have kept them by my side since they were young. No common core here. thanks brother

Smart kids

Great idea !

Thank you so much for all your support !

The woman is still there as we saw her in the front yard last week . On another trip we also saw her and five others changing out the flowers and balloons on the Annabelle Pomeroy grave only , which is in the far left corner of the cemetery by itself . They drove right past and ignored the other "mass" graves that are located near the front right side of the cemetery . We found that move very strange . The daughter was Hispanic as were all the people visiting the grave . Where was any of her adopted white family ? She obviously was told to look for our car and walked towards the street giving us the most dirty look when we drove by the time at the house . I called her a liar and filmed her as we passed by . I will try and get the clip in an upcoming video . Thanks again !

Maybe so . We sure are going to find out .

Thanks ! More footage of the graves coming up , they look bad .

It’s like they don’t even tell us where the people are. They have to be somewhere. The numbers are in the hundreds of thousands range. Where are they? Where will they go if they’re even still alive?

Jerry Brown blamed it on "Global Warming". It’s a "new normal" that everyone will have to get used to. After the press conference good ol’ global warming, fuel conserving Jerry jumped on a elite friends private jet and jetted off to the UN Global Warming Conference in Paris using more fuel than you and I will use in two years combined. There are more fires all over California as we type.

What DEW you think happened here? No one will be allowed back into these areas. Rewilding agenda in full effect...Jerry Brown style.

Boyfriend, he’s breathing on his own so I thought "Fuck it" I’m going on TV with my scratch.

keep your sunglasses on

Good work Silver ..

You’ve got balls . Respect !!!

These video is amazing!!!! Just fabulous!!! You found so many!!!!! Awesome work..everyone needs to see this. Thank you for making it!!!!!!!! Love! Love! Love!

This is the smoking gun... Oops i mean the smoking truck!

Anyone else notice gootube is now full of videos about trains. Dozens of train videos now come up when I go on there. Anything for a news ’story’ and some charity fraud. Gotta distract the sheeple from the last phony fake show.

Kathleen Curnow and her husband are pictured in a video sitting on the front porch of a house at 215 4th st. right across from the church. saying they lived there 25 years. you can tell by listening to her she is not from south Texas. She also doesn’t live at that address. The usage of that house was instrumental in telling the story of this false shooting. It is the same house that had the crime scene tape still around it when Henry went there back when. Its the same house where the hero of Sutherland Springs, /sarc off, Willeford stated that he stood behind some cars in the driveway of that house and exchanged gunfire with the alleged shooter. Just who is this guy Devin Patrick Kelley. Just who is it that lives in this house?

Jaxa asses are almost as pathetic as nasholes. The whirleds most expensive cartoons.

A merry go round disproves not only gravity, it also proves you cannot be spinning at hundreds to over a thousand mph. If gravity were holding you to the ground at hundreds to over a thousand mph. It would certainly be able to hold you to a merry go round going a fraction of that speed. The rpm argument is easily disproven as well. Imagine a merry go round with the same circumference of earth. Put one object an inch from the center and one on the edge. Both objects will go the exact same rpm’s, but even if it were to rotate only once in a week, the object on the edge would be thrown off at 150mph. The object near the center would not even appear to be moving.