
The Rams head in plain sight on a flag too ...

F**k screwtube , keep them coming on here AML . I see you were taken down again on the 27th.

Zionism was never a jewisch idea retard.rnThe talmud are just a sect.rnZionism was a christian idea to destroy the jewisch faith.And christians are hypocrits.With there fake jesus.

Totally and utterly fabricated .

the sheeple aren’t fighting over the fake news! The msm gins up the Soros funded protests as grass roots and then other people start believing there re people protesting and upset , it goes back to the hoaxers pushing the fake events as the one causing the riots and outrage

Thee sheeple aren’t fighting and upset over the fake news! The media Gina

The dumb bitch just admitted it was in an CLOSED SECTION of downtown mall, which the truthers all confirmed the police had that area closed off to cars! So how the fuq did those cars get there with drivers? These liars think they’re smarter than everyone, and eventually they slip up and say something that exposes the hoax

Bang on . Yes you can see the director behind the Christmas tree raise his arm and call them on too .

If this doesn’t prove it was a total hoax to everybody I’m afraid there is no hope for humanity .

Say it with me.... Fear, and Porn.

I was thinking when you talked to the sheriff deputy and he said something about he has a wife and children to support, I think that statement spoke volumes. It basically tells us what we are up against. A man will do whatever he is told no matter what as long as he can support his family , even if it is wrong. Houston. we have a problem.

Explains alot actually. Legally they can not be sued for lying right out their butts to us.

All three know that Sandy Hook is a fake event. All three deserve $20.00 for right conclusion!

It’s at least better than the North Korea phony missile launches, and their Commodore 64 computer rooms with a fax machine! I’m starting to beleive Eddy Bravo is correct and North Korea is a hoax! Cleared after war, the cia sets it up like Hollywood set and has about 5,000 Koreans pretend they are inarmy or live there! I’ve even think the midget doesn’t live ther, the leader that went to a cia Swiss boarding school, coincidentally

My kids know too! They are younger, but super smart! Just moved them from homeschool to a Christian school, and they are making straight “A’s” and our super smart daughter we moved up 2 grade levels. She’s tall for Her age too so the kids in second grade don’t believes she’s 8 cause she’s in 4th grade and tall. Anyways, she’s so smart she asks me not to point out the problems with the fake news before I show it to her, and I’ll be damned if she catches problems with the video and story that I missed! I’m pushing her to be a doctor, but will probably be an engineer like her parents cause she’s great at math and finding problems and solutions. Her favorite crisis actor is swan Vega from ghost ship fire hox, “tragedy, horror, and tragedy”

I’m not a flat earther (it’s concave) but you did a great analysis of JAXA. Yep, they’re all in on it.

One thing is for certain. No DPS people will ever talk about it. No sheriff will ever talk about it No government official will ever talk about it. But there has to be someone in that town that refused to go along with this charade for whatever reason Somebody????? I was thinking protest signs with first amendment audits are in order . Let them know around there that not everybody is swallowing this swill. It will turn up the heat maybe spring offensive coming soon perhaps.

it seems the governor is the one tasked with dishing out homeland security grants to various entities in Texas. I have been looking for something for Wilson county. So far no luck. Maybe have to go to Texas open records request because they have to put it down on paper. that is just the way it is. The reason why I am looking at this. I am trying to figure out what was the juice. What was the motivating factor for this event? Money? Power? Promises of some sort. What? What was in it for all of this locals? There has to be weak link in this system somewhere. But where is it , that is the question.