
It’s Peekay!!

Lying bitch .

Wow ! That’s another great find ...

KFM hoorah .

Great work with the numbers .

Jewish Privilege

We need to locate her!

Good for a laugh on A

Anyone who believes NASA, please tell me why there are not thousands of hours of video showing every space suit being tested in a vacuum chamber. It would be criminal for the first time a space suit got tested was in space

Ra, Ra, re they sure are full of glee. Sack full of money heals bones in a hurry. She should be in ICU, if any of it were true.

I’m not a flat earther either, earth is a realm. Whatever it is, it is not a oblate spheroid flying through space. Obviously the words flat earth conjure up images we were indoctrinated with. Ships sailing over an edge, sea monsters etc. Earth or dirt holds form, mountains, hills etc. Water on the other hand cannot support convex shapes, other than in minute quantities. Meniscus or water droplets. Which are the result of friction. Easily shown by a small amount of soap around the edge of the glass or soapy water sprayed on a drop. They also disprove gravity as the water should be equally pulled at the center by alleged gravity.

It’s always the same narrative: "You’re not safe ANYWHERE!" - Crisis Shield - Allan Briggs - 5 step crisis media response. Easy answer: lie, Lie, LIE!

On 21 December 2017 a driver rammed pedestrians with his car at the corner of Flinders Street. On 20 January 2017 a car was driven into pedestrians in the CBD of Melbourne. Hmm... Crisis Shield in Melbourne. Go figure. Briggs Communications Crisis Training:

A bit over the top ..

Premium reply Austin !

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Briggs Communications Crisis Simulation TRAILER 2015. Would you be able to manage a crisis? This video is an example of the crisis simulation exercises we run for our clients to help them become crisis ready. Book your free initial consultation today by calling: (03) 9602 4310: