
Yep...fake as usual. All the same way it goes down.

Thats a wrap. Area cleared for remodel.

HITLER ... 1938 38 is the killing number.. When Hitler went into AUSTRIA THE CAR NUMBER was 322 9... THE SKULL sand BONES NUMBER OF YALE 322.. see video of Hitler going to AUSTRIA .. GUY IN THIS VIDEO with the SKULL and BONES BADGE... .. Look at the png provided. This may be what it is. And yes an edit is not going to be in CCTV footage.. Good find you beautiful bastard :)

are you fucking serious? holy crap! that is insane - what theories explain that? directed energy weapons? special accelerants? is there an ’official story’?

These scenes and those like them are the most shocking fire devastation pictures I have ever seen. Commkn sense and gut instincts tell you there is something very wrong there. My thoughts are with the people.

Is this cctv footage were supposed to be watching ? If so why is there an edit at 1:14 ? Now that doesnt make sense because the footage appears to be continuous..

Russia – Maybe new arena for staged events? Blast rips through supermarket in Russia’s St Petersburg, 10 hurt. The explosion was caused by a homemade bomb packed with pieces of metal with a force equivalent to 200 grammes of TNT, they said. They have opened a criminal case on the grounds of attempted murder:

Their GoFraudMe accounts makes them less sad evidently.

I heard your message in the re-upload video – and I agree! Thanks!

You’re on right track when they removed your video plus closed down the entire channel. Close-up and Print Screens from your video:

thank you

People in the graphics world with this dot problem seem to have a problem on the renderimg with the compression. I would suggest the next hoax crew upgrade their gpu and add more ram as they render the plot for us. These guys are hacks at everything they do. They need better planning and much more practice. From script to go live and video editing makes for sloppy shows. I give this one a D only because the disappearing window looked cool. The special effects were tight.

not cctv for would be on this entire clip not flashing in and out.

Those dots are pretty peculiar. Reminds me a bit of that 9/11 plane that went plum through the building and out the other side.

Here is a little part of the youtube chat prior to AML losing this AML 12. I think its important people remember how Truth Seeker was exposed and his band of little freaky friends.

Anaconda Malt Liquor 12 was shut down to avoid Truth Seeker being completely exposed. This was all a cleanup attempt so Truth Seeker didn’t lose his cover.

Anaconda Malt Liquor was shut down because Truth Seeker was exposed. Immediately after Truth Seeker was exposed, his channel dropped and then he couldn’t worm out of being exposed and so they go rid of the evidence and shut down Anacondas.