
Doesn’t matter what profession or faith you have . When they come knocking with those dollar bills you’ll say anything.

0:35 NICE NEW SUV!! High Roller now!

0:30 That picture looks like her, but 20 yrs ago! Maybe she’s telling a partial truth, "She’s like my daughter"

0:20 That guy reading the script behind her, check out his badge/lanyard! Black stripe, isn’t that Drill Coordinator?!

Crazy whirled state we live in. Up is down, good is bad, words have come to have little or no meaning. Used to be the duality of words, now it’s the multiplicity of words. Common sense is gone, nothing but jabberwocky, legalese and babble on.

Truth:( HNY U/A

Wow !!

Sooooo funny when you look at it .

Wait a mow, that lion has had two grooves gut out in the road to get a forklift under it .

What a waste of beer .....

All totally (poorly) staged .

In the bag !

Perhaps a barrel rolled out of the back and smashed the window . Haha ...

Good work Annie .

Nice spot !

Ha ha love it !

For those who really long to decipher the Mandela Effect here is a link to "Mandela Effect Decoded". rn is the jll “Superlearning Event” playlist on my youtube page. Listen to the entire playlist and you are guaranteed to rise above this counterfeit reality.rn

false as f**k .

Not sure what it is. Have doubts on concave tho.. unless call Antarctica the "lip". some older maps do indeed show this. Gravity hoax as we know it from and this cannot nor ever has been reproduced. It appears electric in nature for this explains all "my" question. Def not spinning, flying.. turning nor has a central magnetic with molten core as heat destroys magnetism. So lets just go with the "plane or earth" :)rnPeace

fyi ST and CG. this lady at SA newspaper is continually posting bullshit stories about this crap Pomeroy is kvetching about the conspiracy theories as usual. LOL