
Thank you so much . Blew my mind too , I guess if you ask enough times ?!

Thanks so much for the info Bill ! We are going to take this all the way and put together a court case so anything and everything is so greatly appreciated . Thanks so much for al your support and everything you do !

Right on ! That performance I saw of her Christmas Eve at the church on the local San Antonio news made me want to hurl ! If it hadn’t been night and felt like a setup we would have went to the service but all the signs said we should see Sutherland Springs in the daytime from now on . Thanks so much for all your support !

Thanks so much Chuck , I see you everywhere out there and it is so refreshing to see that you really get it . Your comments are always right on the money . Thank you !

That license plate is still freaking me out ! That should have never even come close to being an actual plate of any kind of vehicle , I mean come on !

No doubt about it and the 06660 license plated unit assigned to that area ?! The damn demons !

Thanks Bob , that license plate of 06660 still freaks me out !

Reszneki already made a video showing me he is flagging it on YouTube , so it won’t be long but we don’t really care cause fuck YouTube and the paid trolls ! Our videos will always be published first to .

Thanks so much brother and please post more of your daily life in Central America , it truly fascinates me , you are one brave man !

Yes Yolanda I agree with Chuck P , you should definitely start a channel , this is just the beginning of what can happen here on 153 . Finally we are being united with a true watchdog in Jason Boss , we would love to gain your knowledge . Thanks so much for all you do !


He could pass for Cheney.

Also, I don’t know these dudes here, but from my own experience exposing Nasa on reddit conspiracy, much money does NASA get a year? Billions. How much goes to correcting the record? Right? So I’ve experienced paid trolls constantly who diminish me personally using anything they can, and in disgusting ways , for questioning the obvious. It’s everywhere, so many traitors in this country who sacrifice their own freedom for a few bucks from Soros or nasa, or the creeps who did Sandy hook. Be vigilant people, and let the truth prevail.

Ok right on. Who else would go after a guy for protesting disgusting Sandy hook but paid trolls? We saw that with Side Thorn too, as soon as he questions the liar woman who said she lost family in the Texas Church shooting, she makes one call on speed dial and a couple of rednecks in a truck show up to intimidate him(or they tried). Get used to this if you question the narrative it’s gotten worse over the past year.

Lord=Baal Yahuah is Alahym and Yahusha is Messiah.

I saw what appears to be a green laser. Very interesting indeed.

Beautiful. Your work has inspired me to try the same approach. Hopefully I can get some Mcds mgmt to respond on video. I look forward to your next video.

Amazing video, you are my hero Side Thorn!

jl great vid ,as usual ,the ram the man and the sun