
Amazingly enough you will find no footage of space suits being tested in a vacuum chamber. Even though they have spent a ridiculous amount for their facility in Ohio. Evidently all space suits undergo their first test in space. One would certainly think every space suit would undergo rigorous testing for hours b4 ever allowing someone to risk their life in it. I guess when it’s actually a movie studio, nobody’s really risking much.

Thanx Mike. Keep em coming.. follow you on Yt but dont make account there.. Not worth effort again.

Only fools get fooled. Keep them coming ...

Are they dumping chemicals or viruses, bacterial agents, GM bug, etc...?????

As crazy as it may seem, but Ernst Zundel’s father was Jewish. The only reason he got into this revisionist history stuff is to make money off of it. He was a graphics engineer and he found he could make good money producing material about holocaust revisionist historical stuff. His ex wife stated in sworn court documents during his divorce proceedings, that he intended to flee to Israel and request asylum if he ever got into trouble about this. Well that plan fell through when the Israeli government changed the asylum laws . So he got in over his head and it cost him. True story. Its hard to believe I know. Takes all kinds I guess.

Exactly! Love your avatar!

This, is a really good one of yours. Re sharing, on FB, as I did the original. Hopefully, draw people to 153?

I cut a seconds out. If you watch entire video you’ll see that my edit changes nothing. Ijust cut to save time.

Lmao Anaconda..

Most likely they have been selected for some federal agency position. Being given a fake identity. Or quite likely they don’t even need one. Nobody will remember this story in a day or two. Plus they can take in millions in charity fraud. The news gets another sensational story to feed the public and we get yet another fraudulent hero to idolize.

Why do they do this? The answer is simple (and classic). Genuine love for money! This over size photos has almost become a hoax code. We saw them in Sandy Hook, Santa Barbara and also Chris Hurst used one.

Nice meatloaf, ironically he doesn’t live that far away from Sandy Hook at least he didn’t when I lived in Connecticut .

Excellent !

Yep , that’s it !

Baaaa ! How is that possible ?!

Bingo ! They suck ...

You got it brother !

Thanks so much for always supporting us !

You got that right !

Same info we have heard , that it was even listed as "closed" on maps of the area . New shingle roof is on and overspray shows new white paint after shingles went on . Videos of church services appear to me filmed in a matter of weeks not years ...