
Granny you and Sidethorn ever look into this Ronald Lee Haskell case? The Cassidy Stay family shooting Hoax? I see Harris County records show his trial has been rescheduled now for at least the 3rd time. Only asking since it’s in Texas.


The one Disney movie I really loves as a kid is the one they won’t make available. Song of the South. It shows kids how to trick their oppressors.

Do you really need to upload every vid you ever put on your YouTube channel on here all at once? You’re basically spamming the site right now, slow down buddy!

You sound just like Russian Vids.

This is demonic beyond belief. here is our service station hero giving another interview. ha ha ha

There’s a big difference between denying something and questioning something. The notion that questioning something makes you a denier or anti Semitic, or in certain countries a criminal should make anyone question it. On the other hand I guess my jooskin lampshade is probably as fake as my joofat soap. I guess I should have questioned the authenticity of the certificate of authentication.

Please under stand U will be taught less on so U can be knowing more on what lies ahead.

I don’t know if you guys noticed it or not but the same woman, somebody named Sonja Brannen , wrote up all of the shooting "victims" find a grave memorials online . even the shooter. ha ha ha. of course no pictures of grave stones included of course. I mean give me a break, who is this woman?

Based on what actual events. Staged drills. A simulation based on a simulation simulating what you might do by assuming what a simulated crazed person might do. Does anyone else think these people have warped paranoid minds.

More fraud of tax dollars. Same company under DARPA/NSA doing VR with/for nasa. Its all bullsht!

Growing lettuce comes first. :/ obscure video someone posted on youtube. not many hits. just who is this woman? perhaps a chink in the armor. pissing contests among some of the bozos over in wilson county

Nice catch!

She has absolutely no Texas accent at all!!!!!

At least you all have Texas accents.

Another good question is why couldn’t they mount the camera on the iss so half the image wasn’t of the iss. Maybe even a camera that could pan or tilt. I mean really they even had a camera they left on the moon, that was able to tilt back to record the lunar module leaving. Just put a little gold foil on it, perhaps whip up another modulator/demodulator from spare parts, I mean if they can afford to break away from all that scientific stuff they do. Like playing with toys, food, water, stuffed animals and all.

Good thing I put this on TVOR 2 channel on youtube. I knew it wouldn’t go down well.