
They are richly rewarded for participating in this charade.rnI think they’re stick together because the whole of Sutherland Springs benefits from getting GoFundMe money – so they’re doing their utmost to maintain the lie.rn+ rnThey missed to scratched out: MAY THE TRUTH SET YOU FREE!rnBut in Sutherland Springs they maybe say: The Truth Will Get You Killed!

Bob below said the whole town is on the take. I was thinking that today. Has to be. I mean for one thing they all know each other and many of them are related. Now sure the gene pool around there does not run that deep, no doubt, but there is definitely some kind of cooperation going on from top to bottom . This is a cancer on the state of Texas and it must be cut out

Hi Side Thorn. I have no sound on 153, so I watch this video later.rnCan I use picture from your website in my video. In the end of the video (47:50-49:40).rnIf not – it’s easy to cut out before I put it up on 153:

The whole town is on the take ! got a bump on the gofundme

There were more government vehicles there than there are vehicles in the entire town of Sutherland Springs. That’s what you call a CONvoy.

You just know those dirty bastards were somewhere ! Have a great weekend !

Thanks and some real interesting things to come !

We may surely need them in the upcoming lawsuit and sure would be interesting to hear . Johnny , the biggest joke yet ...

Fear porn !

why the hell are they doing all of this ? what is the real reason?

Hey ST, do you think if I ordered a audio copy of the 911 calls on nov 5 from 11 to 12pm would be of any use? using texas open records request? of course they charge a fee for this. just wondering if its worth the trouble. they probably covered their bases on that just like they did at sandy hook . i sure would like to hear johnny call them on his way out 539.

Great vid

The Hoaxing Civil Servant Parade! These Freemasons are out of control. They are psychological terrorists. I’m surprised the FBI didn’t join in and waste some more federal dollars on this horse shit.

Thursday Jan. 11 2:00 pm

Thanks Bob we sure will . Really interesting things to come this week . Have a great weekend !

Yes , it was today , the homecoming of Ryland Ward shot five times at the Sutherland Springs First Baptist church .... Okay , I had a hard time saying that and even threw up in my mouth a little , sorry .

It was today ! Ripped off again ...

This was the prize for selling the fraud! Keep exposing the lies.

WTF was that? Was this day of the fake shooting?