
Also I have to state that frankly I am not sure exactly what went on that day. From what I have seen, there was some very funny stuff going on. Not sure what to make of it. Also in closing. Is it any wonder why the CIA and other alphabet agencies maintain offices at Mormon universities ? Mormons make good agents. Why do you think the NSA located their big data dump outside Salt Lake City? are Mormons and "patriot " types on the same page? probably not therefore one has to say , that Mormons cannot be trusted

on a point of technicality, if he was a Mormon and I think he was, then one would have to give some serious speculation that he is not in heaven I am sorry but the facts are that Mormons do not believe that Jesus was God in the flesh. If you did deep into Mormon belief systems then you will find all kinds of weird beliefs. Oh people like Glenn Beck go on about Jesus and they are quick to talk about Jesus to Christians to try and make themselves seem to be mainstream and seem to be Christians but in reality they are anything but mainstream. They are a cult

things did not get any better when the yids got control of the operation in the early 80’s. back whenever. then you can rest assure that the mind control business was in full bloom as they figured out ways to screw with the goyim children etc

I just checked out on the numerology calculator that name >>twin pines mall<< it equals nothing,but when i broke it up PINES MALL equals a favorite masonic number 33 and twin means two,double 33,the masons duality 33 and 33 numbers hidden in plain sight....Oh the duplicitous bastards are good :)

This Placard Fool near the end..Oh Deary me !,you’re screwed fella when your time is up !!

Music 🎶 to our ears! Side Thorn ROCKS the truth but anyone can do it!

Good question. We aren’t done in Sutherland Springs just yet. Stay tuned for more truth....coming soon.

Glyphs of the Freemasons

Little black guy at 7:00 looked like Ceelo (sp), and you gotta feel bad about lying Christine getting shot at Mandalay!

Brilliant bro,,

No haven’t heard about that one. Texas is hoax central and still investigating Sutherland Springs Church HOAX. Stay tuned....we aren’t finished with these traitors of the American people. texas open records request information. useful . no?

He must be smiling with all the sandy crooks. I bet he’s comforting all those children with their faces frozen in fear. Counting all the go fraud me money. Likely some book or movie residuals. Another staged fraud brought to the public by the bs media in conjunction with the fraudulent alphabet soup gangs.

Proof of God..

Check out the glyphs I have found encoded in Art and Symbolism. Has to do with the 33. This is a big secret the masons are hiding.

Chuga chuga joo joo goes the train. With a strike, strike here and a strike, strike there. Here a strike there a strike joo joo. With a termination here and a termination there. Welcome to the jootube shitternet, where joo can be a hero.

Good video. Keep putting them out!

Where are the links?

That was crazy I have that map. But I never put the two together. I have been watching two triangles of stars in the same position going around the north star. They are difficult to see at the same time right now because of the season. A few months ago they were above north star Exactly like like the triangles on map!