
Worldwide fear porn . Federalized police forces is on the list but total control and issuing in a one world government seems to be the main long term or maybe sooner than we think objective of course as they push on every local front for more and more police and first responders . Many objectives accomplished when it’s all said and done ...

Great catch , he sure looked busy !

Exactly what CG thought but there is no way the liar was ever even remotely good looking , just sayin ...

Horror and tragedy !

Boy you should see all the new EMS and firetrucks the county has now , wow !

It will sadly go on forever unless we win this war , anniversaries , memorials , monuments ...

Hint: Quail Run subdivision (old golf course) . We have evidence already that the players have homes there and you should see all the new construction ...

You got it , we are discussing it right now and with huge banners ...

A big problem !

Excellent video!

Both of you guys are doing great work, keep it up..

The evil behind this - hiding beyond Antarctica ....

Crrow ...

Great vid...a lot of work involved here...

Great vid !

Treats Respiratory :Radishes are an anti-congestive, meaning that they decrease congestion of the respiratory system including irritation of the nose, throat, windpipe, and lungs that can come from colds, infections, allergies, and other causes. They are a great disinfectant and rich in vitamins, which further protects the respiratory system from infections.

Large amount of people being admitted to hospital this winter in uk with respiratory illnesses

LOL, you’re still on your first channel?

We don’t use that term in America. So I went to search grille in Uk crowd control and it pops up! That gives me insight as to who and where wrote this ridiculous story! They should have thought about terminology in the US before handing out the scripts!

They should have called Haroldson Hanks, ultimate crisis actor