
This woman I said earlier today was definitely payed to get on News to push fear so they can brain wash citizens to push & agree for gun control.

Wish this video wasn’t so filthy, truth indeed but can’t post for my Christian family to hear. I get the anger but this is crazy.

Thanks Side Thorn. MattyD attacking me, you, C Granny and Jerry. I guess it is his job at NSA.

A quality video and a place to comment, but without having to register...Is this like an improved alternative to youtube? It certainly is nice as youtube censors and deletes many videos like this.

Finger air quotes at 3:55 when she said "when the fire drill was happening." Pretty clear this was just a false flag drill.

Love it ! If you get a chance check out the description link of MattyD’s video to his LiveLeak video where he attacks us all by name and shows your comments to No Identity . Please share with everyone here if you figure how to share the link . He has shown his true colors really good this time and Jason should see it . Thanks and keep up the great work !

To put Florida front of mind before the shooting this week???

Excellent brother , welcome to a real world of truth !

Noticed the cops were freakishly transgender. First thing I noticed was the jowls, and neck. Then the shape of the head. Shoulder width. Arm angle. Chest, or in this case breasts. Distribution of cellulose. Length of biceps and forearm, thighs. And last, but not least, it’s in the eyes.


Nicely done

the trump tards are going to be real pissed when he turns and believe me, he will turn. make no mistake about it which probably is one of the reasons he was selected in the first place.

The big bust!

Paddock They Have the two D’s 44

Hey Cruz=18 6X3

Doesn’t the shooter from Florida, Nicolas Cruz, look like the idiot goofy cowboy from Sutherland Springs that supposedly "saved the day" by shooting the shooter. The cowboy with the dumb longhorn tattoo on the neck?

Doesn’t the "shooter" Nicolas Cruz look like the goofy Sutherland Springs cowboy who "saved the day"?

Wonderful choice with the sheeps. he trained with white nationalist militia. well of course he did. of course

BUSTED AGAIN... Florida School Shooting - No Life Flight Helicopters! Pure Garbage Again: