
Good riddance to YouTube.

Another ROTC Cadet? OK, sure, uh-huh. Can’t be any military psyop units involved. Jade Helm continues.

Well you didnt was guaranteed to be censored.

these sold out satanists have no humor. I am cracking up.

I think 153news is the last place left for truth.

TY and yes he sure has! Working hard to expose them! Please down load any videos from my YouTube channel and share! My 3 part SpaceX is there!

Thanks for the ❤️ YouTube removed the video for violating its policy in violent or graphic content. They’re really getting out of control with the censorship. Wtf? It was a 6 second video. Would’ve come here without your video so thanks!!

I noticed Grady’s hand jives as well. My favorite are her handgun motions into the room they were allegedly hiding in even though he was supposedly using the super evil AR-15 rifle.

Lori Alhadeff’s maiden name is Lori Kim RobinovitzrnBoth are Jewish names...of course. This school is in a Jewish community. Check Google maps and check out the road closings and checkpoints. No one gets in. A very rich community indeed.

Butt pluggers .

This lady rambling like a crack head going through withdrawals.

LOL! I’d have to be suicidal to mirror this! Maybe I will anyways. I will post this link to a few forums as well.

They all have their own mics in this show.

David Is 22,DD IS 44,Hogg Is 18,GG Is 66

Great vid man. This type of vid would be pulled by YTube. Thanks again for unedjewcating me.

I Have Never Seen A Reporter Ever Hand Over There Mic To Any Person They Interview Ever.

How do you hear someone was shot? You don’t know if someone is shot unless you actually see them! ALL of them say that same BS! They "Hear" someone killed!

She’s making the rounds!

They must have added some red to his skin spray, he doesn’t appear nearly as orange colored as he normally does.

The postus has spoken and removed any doubt he’s a puppet.