
No, totally different voice

You’re on fire with these vids. Annika Dean is quite a moving orator BTW. Whats with the CIA mormon connections? More high strangeness.

thanks for uploading. I just cant find news anymore

Excellent, expose these demons

Great video

That kid has played in other roles before. I am pretty sure I have seen him before. Nice work! thanks for posting here!

this is silent on yt Here is pic of "Nicolas Cruz" which to me looks like goofy Sutherland Springs cowboy with longhorn tattoo on neck.

I’m convinced: Florida "shooter" Nicolas Cruz is the dorky Sutherland Springs Tx cowboy that "saved the day". The one with longhorn tattoo on his neck. Look at ears and eyebrows

After watching a video like this even someone sound asleep has to at least stir and twitch their head a little, right?

ROFLAO! We have way too much shit to laugh at! Will the gun people wake up!?! This is why I refuse to join the NRA !

Thanks snipernas , yes ok here even though the demons are showing themselves, next video will explain more . Have a great weekend !

Lot of 14s

So a guy was swinging his hands and saying "Hey " BOTH like a fucking cheerleader ? Lol . I doubt it . First off , why question the girl in Spanish if she speaks perfect English ? Her answer sounded rehearsed .

There going all out with this fraud. Already got him in court for the fake hearing. One big mass distraction, to give the treasonous fraud news and politicians something to babble on about. Keep the focus off all their other criminal fraud events.

wow.....great video

yhwh is a blood thirsty, extra-terrestrial psychopath . you are shills for a nasty creature .

helicopters and police outside means its real!! Great work !!

Also Sutherland Springs Church Shooting hoax.

Are you RedsilverJ? If so, loved your vids on YT. Good job.