
amen brother!

🚓 "..One-Adam 12, One-Adam aware of a couple 🎥ing local law enforcement. Play along. They know Sutherland Springs is staged....." At least they seemed to be sincere. But you never know.

Nice, he really sounds interested in checking your website. You just wake up a Police.

I agree I smell bullshit right from the get go. Check out the deep purple FF color code on pooper’s tie.

That supposed 9th grader at end of your video is wearing a hairpiece. Check it out.

Chris Mintz pocketed over $800k from Umpqua. Funny that he was also at Lafayette theater shooting posing as FBI type.

Obama was in FL near Orlando right before the Pulse shooting. Dumby Trump was scheduled to be in FL and Orlando tomorrow based on reports earlier this week. Trump, Obama and Bush all the same since 9/11.

They are going all out this time with this shooting. Sheriff Israel basically just said that if you own a gun police should be able to come to your house and check on you from time to time in case you have mental problems. LOL!

when are people going to get wise to this bullshit?

those are pyro rounds! not real bullets! Not a fuqing bullet ricocheting! Nobody hit! It’s bullshit! I agree that all of the kids being interviewed look too old!

reloading, reloading, reloading? and nobody fuqing tackled his azz? I’m so fed up with this Bullshit! People need to wake up! Especially the gun people!

another staged event clearly

Yes yes yes the money is on our bankaccount.

What morons would donate money to this hot garbage?

Thanks, it was a military/first responder joint drill at an abandoned water treatment plant in Austin where all the actors were under heavy U.S. Army provided moulage , I was a burn victim . I filmed the entire drill also with a hidden camera .

bravo!! right from the get go with this one I am seeing major red flags. Similar Modus operandi indications.

Conz el man

Go fraud me accounts seem to travel faster than a speeding bullet.

3 “pedestrian” cars involved?? WTF is that & who talks like that - oh, yeah... they’re actors.

What exactly are you looking at in the lid of that coffin? Flies or breathing holes? Thanks