
lol !

You better believe it , we’ve lost over twenty channels on YouTube , haven’t lost a single one here !

Always here first , thanks ! YouTube sucks !

Yes !

there is a video out where someone is interviewing a female high school student and she says she was talking to cruz when shooting was going on in other area of campus. this hoax was put on by the kikes. the area is very jewish. the students were mostly jewish. the alleged victims are jewish the heroes are jewish and the sheriff is jewish. and so now the goldman sachs yid treasury dept head in trumpstein’s swamp cabinet is calling for gun control right on que

Do a compilation and rip the scum once and for all..

Taken to the cleaners . Top notch .

Just watched this vid on YouTube, no views, no likes and comments disabled..... YouTube wankers!

Keep them coming Mr Rassic .


Jews are everywhere in this hoax! It’s ridiculous

Brilliant !

Jews everywhere! Mayor was one, this asshole is a Jew! You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a damn Jew when it comes to these fake shootings! The whole damn community seems Jewish!

Excellent !

He looks pissed! Maybe you should get the Ultimate Crisis Actor! Your sorry lot of wannabes can’t compare to Haroldson Hanks, he is bonded, insured, greenscreen ready and has no conscience!

No life flight helicopters but sure as hell got that aerial footage

thank you and thank you 153news. we would be blind right now!

this is the last place I can find anything real. wow

Will You Add Florida Shooting To Your Flyer List.

Damn they really fucked up with this one it seems. You have to be 21 years old in order to buy a gun from FFL dealer. The alleged shooter nicolas cruz is 19. Right? Looks like a greenscreen too great catch. Also Moskowitz sounds jewish. More jewish media lies if you ask me. Anyways great work.