
Turns? The MF was was always a neocon.

Lol the Rump has to do his job and spew word soup out of his chowder hole.

Your are full of shit Nevin

Why the fuck is putting metal detectors in schools so important to these people? I hope that government paycheck was worth your eternal soul.

I’m a little concerned with her claiming to have spent the last two hours figuring out burial plans when they still have helicopters flying over head and the body hasn’t even been autopsied yet. Then her clear pauses before reading her script which you can see she lost her place on the prompter.

Love your videos.

That girl is like smiling and trying to keep a straight face. I don’t beLIEve anything anymore.

Someone found the same thing on Post- Gazzette a Philidelphia newspaper.

She is clearly reading from something

The same shit was pulled during the Vegas Hoax. That reject actress who was on Dr. Phil claimed that there "Was definitely another shooter." Immediately people began arguing about how many shooters there were all while there was no evidence of bullet holes anywhere at the scene. We have to learn to pick up on these things. All of the witness accounts are bullshit.

I’m beginning to believe that girl and the other girl who was claiming that there were "multiple shooters" were interviewed as part of a psy op. It’s a way to get people to argue about how many shooters there were which diverts them from the real question at hand. That question is: Was this a real shooting or a staged drill/psy op. They are creating psy ops within psy ops.

Yo ST and CG are you ok?Didnt hear you the last days.Bless you both and Bless all real truthers who wants some answers!

Gospel truth

The news only have fresh nowdays after that it’s repetition. In 20 min you have a suspect, X’s home, social posts, gunpics, medical history/victims names/crisis-actors/grieving(failing miserable)parents/a clear agenda & not to forget GoFraudMe -pages up & running in no-time.

That scares me .

Michael Reszneki is my personal bitch for the rest of his pathetic life .

Spot on! always, Always, ALWAYS – a drill before a mass shooting.

This is the scum of the Earth and the person now running Sandy Hook Facts , the biggest Sandy Hook paid shill organization on Earth .

They are disgusting.

jewlube keeps taking down the TRUTHERS.... keep bopping the bastards, bro!