
Thank you so much Bro!!!

Awesome! Thank you Buddy!! I’m a big fan! I’m great at research and learning on the videos part. Who knew it was so much work?:) Thx again Bro!

Wow thanks Man! That means a lot coming from you!! I been getting better slowly. I have trouble getting my titles to show on here after I upload. Might be my fault but I am trying :)

Thank you Bro!!!

Check her FB. She is married and lives in PA.

I like the background music. Good, Bad & Ugly type soundtrack. These officers know they are protected by high ups. Very conceited in the way they approach their jobs. rnrnHere is a screenshot for you:

Smartass prick too , hence the zoom in ...

Revenue generating whores . Cars are borderline on the recognizable features mandatory by law . Another thing is since when do Constables ever do traffic policing and what happened to the State Police that abused this stretch of road for the last 50 years that are now nowhere to be seen and replaced by two man brand new vehicle units with Constables with brand new uniforms ? This is a very remote precinct and now has as many Constables working the roads as a small police department where in the past out here there was just one Constable . Something is surely on the horizon and it isn’t good .

yep...fantastic job.

Right on , my vote is we hang every last one of them , politicians first and start over with that example to get it rolling again !

we need police reform so bad in the country its not even funny. Between the militarization and being co opted into false flags for profit to boost revenue the corruption is deep. Civil asset forfeiture is another piece of straight up treason to the people.

If you can’t see prejudice and racism in the vile rants from ’JEWrassic Liars’ you are being willingly blind! Newcomers stumbling upon 153news will certainly be repelled by ’JEWrassic Liars’ tone and hateful content, and why that for 153news? He’s not trying to raise fellow man’s awareness of covert Zionist control over banks and media, he’s vainly rnventing his own personal bigotry! He’s so ridiculously exaggerated too, that I suspect he may well be a spook whose intention is to discredit those who subscribe and endorse him!

Don’t forget the Lebanon hospital shooting in NYC.

Frankly, this David Hogg is really, really, getting on my nerves big time. He definitely looks like he needs a serious slap in the face!!

Great video!! Loved the comparison of the two interviews. She was probably crying tears of joy because she’d just looked at the total rising on her Go Fund Me account! Crying for Dollars is the name of her show. By the way, doesn’t Anderson Cooper get bored to death after his 100th fake interview with fake survivors? I don’t know how he manages to keep a straight face!!

Great video!! The music made it even better. I’ve never understood why their handlers don’t stand behind the camera and give them the signal not to smile. Don’t know how much good it would do anyway though, but just a thought for our "friends" at DHS /FEMA.

No, it’s not just about gun control. This one has a huge, huge, mental health agenda attached to it. Florida’s Baker Act, which they want to make law in the rest of the US.

I may not be fanatic about the Jews myself, but the ENTIRE reason for starting was, if I remember correctly (and I do), specifically because he and the rest of us are sick and tired of censorship. This particular hoax is pushing Florida’s Baker Act, which will preemptivly put someone on 72 hour psych hold, based on their social media posts. Is that what you want? I say, let Jewrassic speak as much as he wants. The video was just fine, by the way.

Saw that!! Haha! He’s also the one who said that Florida (and the rest of the US, after that!) should expand the Baker Act to permit PREEMPTIVE psychiatric holds on people based on things they post on social media. Bad enough to want to take away our only defense against them - guns, but now we’re headed to a whole new level of control.

First of all, great video and I especially enjoyed the part about the musket! No doubt that she was reading, just like the black girl with the brown shirt (don’t remember her name) who gave an interview and spent the entire time looking off camera to her right for her instructions. I once saw a total stranger get run completely over and killed by huge, highway type truck and I didn’t smile for two weeks. Imagine if I’d just seen my friends slaughtered!! Gimme a break! After all these years they still pick the most incapable actors in the group to give "interviews".