
Definitely not the same guy, whoever the first picture is, he has obviously been photoshopped into that picture. The story given with Lilly is full of obvious masonic code. The msm isn’t ever held responsible for their obvious fraud and deceit. They just move on to the next ’story’ because their all ’stories’.

com in the man can. YOU CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP...

i m going to email them now to get a job :)

Spot on wasn’t it ?!

Great work on this one. They say the patsy went to a McDonalds and Subway after yet i could not find any or any commercial businesses for that matter around the school or within walking distance on google maps. It appears to me to be all residential for miles.

10 points for ’Looks like Samuel L. Jackson in a Nicole Kidman wig’.

Good stuff, cheers

awesome upload.

Nice video keep exposing them.

Thanks AML. You’re the reason came over from youtube. Yes. Come out of her, Mystery Babylon the Great. Another phony fake show carried out by secret societies. Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Order of White Rose, order of the Rose and Cross, etc. All made up of fake Christians, fake Jews, fake muslims, etc...

I pointing out that they change the goal 8 times in 2 days. The last change was a big jump from 950,000 to 2,000,000.

You say abuse, but all the Chaldean and Pythagorean calculations are correct. I can also add numbers up ok. What is your problem exactly with this video? I am trying to get to the truth and if I am going wrong, I want to learn, tell me where! As for JL, we are all entitled to our opinion. We should be teaching each other on this web-site, not just giving out condemnations, like the one you have just delivered! I would never comment like that!!

Hey Zombie Insurrection I think i found out who that person is in this clip shown of the pulse shooting That guy is Todd Beasley of My Big Fat Fab Life.Looks And Sounds just like him and he is a Gay Person.

Hey I think i know who that guy is that you shown on thus video clip of the pulse shooting that was Todd Beasley Of The Show My Big Fat Fab Life.It sounds like him looks like him and he is a Gay Person.

You’ve nailed it again...

Great work .

This man really is a one of a kind upper echelon crisis actor.

So does Pooper Anderson. He would go home crying to mom Gloria Vanderbilt. "This guy slugged me, mom....kiss my boo-boo..."

Interesting stuff again jewrassic.

they had to cut the camera to ted douche because she couldn’t contain her laughter