
Yes, thanks! I’m no arbiter, ’just be nice to keep 153news attractive!

Having watched the rest of this flick, I have removed my previous comment as I in no way wish to be associated with the unabashed prejudice expressed by Mr WakeUpNow!

Yes, Smoken Mirrors makes so fascinated nice edited/cuts/effects in his videos.

The dude cracks me up! The comment below (Austin Texas 2) says it all.

How can those fat rats come pass the police condition test every year?And to protect and to serve....Yeah right!

The very embodiment of fat pig.

Thanks to the librarian – you just confirmed that Parkland Florida School Shooting also is a hoax. Connections to Sandy Hook? This is the best way to confirm a hoax.

No doubt about it!

That was great. Made me laugh. Thank you for your time and efforts

Exactly! Like and sub if you care to. Cheers.

Phony fake show

Its nice to be somewhat anti-Semitic without out being crucified isn’t it?!?

Subbed and liked! Great work.

This is epic! Good work



Thanks for your hard work and efforts. That shit pretty hilarious.

I thought someone was joking on a comment section, but the Sheriff name as told to us is Sherriff Israel. Oh my.

No matter how much they try, they will always look fake, because they are fake.

lots of smoke smoke...