
Excellent work.

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. These little shills are despicable.

We are not actors, but lets read you this propaganda. To bad your behaviour shows no sign of seeing carnage..F**kin liars.

gdday! Just subscribed. I get a much needed breath of fresh air with you, and f*ck YouTube/Google.

called that government punk a pussy ass motherfucker and he backed his cunt ass right down. way to handle it like a southern man thorn!

Great pic , thanks ! I also saved almost that same shot but the one when he turned green !

Would anything shock me , no .

Now Anderson Cooper is doing damage control with him:

Same as this one:

Damn! It was removed! If you see it again, let me know

There’s no evidence he even went to school there! All of the "kids" that we’ve seen are over 18, and live out of state or Miami!

Damn! I was going to copy and upload, and it’s been removed! What was it?

Nevermind - I see someone already mirrored it on 153news. And Youtube did take it down.

there’s only 3 floors max in that building, so that didn’t seem right. But, yep, a phony fake show

Awesome! We need to ban together! They are laying it on heavy!

Here is David Hogg - busted rehearsing his lines.

David Hogg - busted! Copy and share before they take it down.

Hi Peekay - copy/share this before they take it down. David Hogg rehearsing his lines (like Gene Rosen did at Sandy Hook)

Copy/Share this before they take it down. David Hogg rehearsing his lines (like Gene Rosen did at Sandy Hook)

rnrnCopy / Share this before they take it down. David Hogg rehearsing his lines (like Gene Rosen did at Sandy Hook):