
I love your work. It’s always awesome.

"Teacher" with a totally vacant brain housing group.

yep! I hope he’s not a teacher! If so, those kids are screwed!

Exactly! I only turn on the TV when a Fake News story comes up, so I can share their mistakes! It’s ridiculous! This all stems from Bloomberg (Jew) and his other merry band of zionist millionaires, starting from Aurora to Sandy Hoax, Pulse, Vegas (Soros another Jew), Ft frauderdale (same county), pushing this gun-grab based on Mental Health agenda! Who gets to profit from that!?! Big Pharma and Big Banks! Who gets to profit from pushing federally funded fear indoctrination by way of SIMULATED Gun Drills at all public schools? Israeli security companies! Just Follow the Money!

another idiot that didn’t see anyone killed! Grazed by a bullet on the cheek, my azz!rn

I believe its actually pronounced "Noood~Nik"

Wow ! What a Muppet .

sharing the crap out of these thanks. I NEVER watch the garbage on tv ,specially if I know its a hoax (fool me 50 times ,i woint be fooled again) .These are funny and I always laugh out loud like the guy from Spiderman !

contraversion to the geneva conventions. I’m not even going to ask him to cite that. Can we go to war already I am so done with this shit.

Agreed, Jeffersonian Girl. How rich it is that, in the case of Sandy Hook, they "killed" mere younger images of the older children they paraded in front of us singing at the Superbowl a couple months after the crisis play was acted out. Most of the sheep are clueless. And as you say, NowTheTruth must create a new channel each time his right to free speech is censored by the scoundrel enemies domestic at JewTube.

newbie. love your video.

NowTheTruth-TV creates them, while JewTube tries to censor him. He uploads everything to an archive website, and he’s proven all of the deaths fake at these mass shootings and terror attacks.

Good stuff alway follow the money

I like these type of videos. The arrest record was interesting. Forgery/Theft for the wife. Crisis Actor witness Shawtia Byes with the Steve Stephens case also had a forgery/theft arrest six months before the event. Thanks for video. It helps my case on Stephens.

Hahahah, thanks for the advice Brother:) I see what your saying! God Bless

I know Bro but I got to try! Every time I try to stop it’s like God shows me something else I’m supposed to tell them lol. Thanks again for your support Brother! Means the world!



Right. Special interests of family: 🚤✈🎲⛳💰

There’s no such thing as the white race