
Well Done!

I would take this down only because this is actually a legit thing gofundme does, it updates once the goal is reached and sets incrementally higher goals each time, most likely a jew came up with it because normally on other sites like Kickstarter you see a goal of 300k an now its at 1 million and would you feel inclined to keep giving? but what if you just clicked on the gofundme an see the goal of 580k is currently just a few thousand away? well certainly that number you CURRENTLY see is how much they actually need so I might as well donate..

@StagedWhirled they cant say its timezones because "ohio . com" is the source for one of them and there are TWO results from the 12th yet when you click into them you see right at the top "page has been edited" and it shows the 15th instead, and we’re like what 5 years since sandy hook? when Google has said they now take news seriously and have "improved" their results (aka only show news in favor of the left) yet they expect us to believe Google’s tracking data can be off by several days in 2018? LOL

in the last day they’ve deleted some of the results but i just ran it again 02/19/18 at 9:30am PST and 3 results still remained

Cheers Gregg. Hope you are happier with the title now.

Thanks AML. You are always so kind. 1,492 views in 3 days. It’s as good as if the video was on Youtube. More Truthers find 153 when they get tired on YT. Recently No Identity check in here.

I think they did it with another one, but I’ll have to get to that later! These liars dumped us with sooo much rubbish that it’s hard to sift thru it all! It’s like a truther bonanza!

I just looked up her Facebook, and yep she is Married, and living in Pennsylvania! She sure does look older in her interviews than the news claimed, so now it makes sense! Want to bet she’s a jew or has a tie to the entertainment (fake news) industry too?

Well that makes sense! In my Army Drill video and the "How you Know These Teens are Lying" videos, I pointed out in both of them that these "kids" look like they are over 18. Goes back to what I’m seeing, where some appear to be shipped in for this role. I just found out today that the alleged shooter was in the JROTC! What another coincidence, back to my Army Drill video! It’s just freaking ridiculous!

Thanks. She isn’t a kid if she is married. I bet she is 22-25 years old and she is also a model/actress. Perfect for the part.

very creepy. I remember this

Someone else did a video on her facebook here on 153news. The thing I find more interesting is she’s not the only kid from out of state, that just coincidentally started going to school there. What I believe went on is they had a control group of kids, from a different area and some near there. Bussed them in, all for this show. The way the school attendances everywhere have dropped, I think they may have just been using this school for Vocational, cause I found another highschool within walking distance, and I think this was like Sandy Hoax where the school was closed with exception of a few vocational classes. Just my opinion, but that’s all it is.

Hi. Check this out on Alexa Miednik on FB. No one checked until I did earlier this morning. Can you do a video on this?

That would be hilarious if they went to the university building and another fake phony shooting drill happened. Its basically that insane and ridiculous at this point.

Great compilation - doubtless! But why the title? Is this phalsie about gun control, or what?

yup you said it "shit sandwich" or a "turd in the punch bowl"

I felt like I was getting dumber listening to those students talk. All the fire dept vehicles must have been there to put out all the bullshit fires that were arising everywhere.

Just a correction to your video. He’s saying he was in room 927 not that it was 9:27. Still phoneyfakeshow though.

...errr, your prejudice just might be showing there Phil!

I did notice a slight resemblance of teacher and shooter but not reptilion, lol. 🐲