
Hahaha, right in face! 🤧

Micky Rednecky is a born loser.

small round onions up the nose. you will bawl like a baby.

Just to see how hard it is, you guys should try to come up with a hoax story and run with it. My kids and I did a skit called Eerf Nosam school shooting. Most people didnt get it was backwards free mason or all the numbers I used, but its really hard to pull these things off, especially when you have no grief. They will never pull off live hoaxes well. To much happiness breaks the situation.

Good to meet you as well. I hear ya man.. rnGlad grew outta that era of things. :) To many times went to kitchen next day and see I had came home and made a 5 course dinner for just rnKeep up with thee trail ya one but be safe! Peace rn

The devil goes by many names and Pozner is just one of them.


Love the Little River Band, great job Woodrow!

@7:00 minutes on Megyn Kelly , I think she was trying to get back in the good graces of the Media and perhaps viewers and go along with the Russian hackers nonsense.

If you want a own account here – Ask for an account here: – Send a link to your Youtube channel in that mail.

They said they couldn’t confirm whose channel that was , LOL, as if

He does some vids that are okay. I only wanted you to know someone was covering you. I hope you two do a show. Then lets see if he gets his video banned on YT. He should do the show and upload it here as well as YT.

I’ll surely straighten him out on Vegas if I do an interview . Thanks again ...

Thanks ! He just called and left a message on the hotline . I’ll call him back tomorrow .

Ha Ha . She must have Gyrophillia lol

I’m so SICK of theses sellout cunts. Pushing these fake shootings as if they’re real now all of a sudden. SELLOUT CUNTS!!!!!!!

Oh wow ! That’s terrible

The Adopted Father of the shooter.....................He isn’t Chers Daughter is he...........Hmmmmm..just thinking

Maybe nothing but strange how the girl in the cel phone vid didnt react to the gunshots. Not even a flinch. According to the group interview the guy "whose legs we see" in the video said people in that room were shot and killed. Yet no video of any of that. Just strange how that girl didnt move at all with that happening so close to her. I think its actually a physical impossibility.

Thanks for the video. Why are the public so afraid of the truth even when it’s obvious? Same on London Bridge. I live and drink round there and NOBODY wanted to talk about it. I got a video up somewhere. DUMB, DUMB, DUMB.