
The one on the right is Elaine Hogg, Aunt of David Hogg, CERT Incident Command. On the left, one of the "victims" at FLL Fake show. Here they pretend to put her in an ambulance. Then they practice using empty gurneys, LOL. Were these EMTs at Parkland?

Im fine using this account. not a big deal

Love you both , stay strong . You will either beat the charges outright , or get some small slap on the wrist like probation. At the very worst you might get maybe 3-6 months in a country jail , but I seriously doubt that when the facts come out in court when they see the what you really said in context . You need good freedom of speech lawyer . The most that might come out of this is they find you guilty of threatening to commit a crime , which most times isn’t much of a charge at all .

Thanks Jerry! Lenny now learning that this is not Youtube, for the first time he got some resistance.

WoW , this video has way more views and thumbs up than the video has on JewTube . Fucking NICE !!! But we have to chip in a buck a month and sometimes up to $ 5 bucks a month if you have tit to keep this place alive and well . It’s well worth it . I haven’t donated YET , but I am making arrangement so I can donate at least a buck a month. And I really don’t have much money at all , and even I will donate to the cause .

Actually is she the alibi for Nicolas Cruz in court! Why make fun of her? Make her credible and the whole official story falls apart. Every real attorney of Cruz get him off in no time with this statement!

We have a channel placeholder for Mike Decker. If anyone knows this guy, please see if he wants to take over his channel.

sizzorfite...will you send this video to that email I sent you. I wanna mess with it and see if I can figure out why it blows up.

Great video mate 👍🙏👊

We cant ignore him. If we do Amazon will shut down our load balancer and we arent quite ready for that. Legally we have 24 hours to reapond after each one he does.

Hi Elvis, watch my mirror 👍

Peekay Mirror -

She looks like that teacher (crisis actor) from sandy hook!!!

Yes I noticed that too and should have pointed that out. Other folks have noted that the color of the leg did not match with his face as well. Will cover it in my next show thanks.

Thanks Harold and thank you for your excellent research.

Good to see you PD. Fascinating,yes I will include this research in my next show thanks. Young Kyle brings new meaning to break a leg. lol

You know I have been saying about the numbers 25 29.. NEWMAN sums to 25 29.. Trump 25 29.. Well the next Jewish Holiday is PESACH and that sums to 25 29 52 110 and falls on the 31st of March ..trouble ahead ??? .These events that happen seem to time to these holidays.. PESACH is PASSOVER..

Top class low life ... MY toes!!!

This guy is a LOSER!! What a Tool!!! Great video!!

Sizzorfite. So good! This is the way we should treat this scammers – with humor.