
I think she has practicing at home in front of a mirror. This girl has talent for acting. Listen to the passion in her voice. And compared to the hundreds on crisis actors we seen through the years. This girl has a flow when she talks. I think she is charming.

charlied out of her nut, poor kid.

That’s real disgusting . Nice find .

It makes sense that a witness to the Parkland "shooting" hoax mentioned seeing "the Army people" since the US Army Civilian Affairs Psychological Command was on scene to conduct the drill. Those are the scum fucks that assist in these hoaxes to terrorize kids.

Ya think? ;-)

then factor that most school shootings are faked. Its about mind control and inducing trauma at a young age to have a strong distrust of firearms.

Very well rehearsed

Cool video

Yes great comment

Createdx1 gave me his channel here to upload my videos. Im trying to change the name to GameTimeWoo. YouTube just deleted 2 more of my channels today. its officially over at youtube i cant post anything there. they take down every video i post

I am more sad than pissed! Someone needs to teach these young people! This is BSHT for kids to deal with fake nonsense! FFS!

I cropped your video skin. I think the older than 18 talker is reading bullet points off paper on red table.

Yooooo SMH

Poor little girl. Her and her parents think Trump is real.

great analysis glad to have found you at 153news. Its all theater and a nauseating one at that.

An Oscar in her future?

Here is a split screen pic. I think they are the same. Left eye expression very similar.

JYW. Okay! But a new account is only seconds away.

Yus, it’s a match imho!! nice find!

Most every staged event has a Harley Guy. The witness who is smart beyond belief.....