
Thanks for posting this. Can’t believe I didn’t catch this when new. This is why John Wells is one of the few I trust. He’s more careful these days I think. Plus Peekay in his prime. Nice.

Very similar! I think it is a match!

Game Time Woo . Ask for an account here: – Send a link to your Youtube channel in that mail.

Exposing Lenny Pozner with 10 points humor. Robin – You are the best!!

This is a valuable video because it shows the moment cnn "broke" the story. I’d like to find the original video if it exists.

I lost 15 channels from that loser. He’s responsible for hundreds of channels being deleted. Oh , I almost forgot about his impostor channels. Peekay truth .

Try to go through VitalChek to get a death certificate for Parkland. See what doesn’t happen.

Interesting that Kevin Hogg was stationed at LAX when they had that suspicious shooting in Nov 2013 and apparently was living in FL when the Ft Lauderdale Intl shooting occurred. Probably just a coincidence.

obviously definitely some bullshit by her duping delight

"Brown Cow" LMAO

One of the best boston hoaxathon videos I’ve seen yet. Fucking boggles my mind how people still don’t know this information in 2018.

Great eye!!!!

2012 role played in FLL airport drill... I wonder if she is in some of the footage from the 2017 FLL event...TUNISIA is also mentioned...

Ignore the cnut

We’ll have to see how involved she was at the FLL airport fake event also

Such a disappointing comment, when things repeat in every event and the same numbers are encoded in everything such as 33 it’s no longer a theory. JWL does a lot of excellent work waking people up, no need to knock his work because you can’t see it.

🎼I got so shot in here🎼

The Boston Marathon Bonging is destined to be a "Herpes of Hoaxes" event...complete with media driven flare ups and a lifetime of affliction.

absolutely gross just like I expected

Sofa kingfake