
The best thing that has ever happened for the truth , this was their biggest mistake they have ever made .

Right on brother , backfiring as we speak , new people emailing and calling daily saying this story made them look !

Click your logo top right.Scroll down to ’’my channel’’ at the very top where your main/large banner goes,you will see a lil tab top left that says ’’update cover’’..use that to make a banner.Then to upload pic for you logo again top right,scroll down to ’’my account’’you will see on the left in bold ’’ channel and profile’’ the ’’change avatar’’.....hope that helps :]

This is as psychotic as you can get!

The Police are on the scene. Put your hands up in the air.

No need 4 wig’s then..

TX ;o)

Nikolas Cruz liked cruising. rn

Looks like Nikolas is Cruzing in this video.

Looks like Nikolas is Cruzing in this video.

Ulsterman: What are you not buying?

There is no law requiring media to be honest. History proves that media is not The Fourth Estate. They are a Fifth Column. There is no warranty coverage on your TV ensuring that it will only receive news that is real. Newscasters are not paid millions of dollars a year to inform you truthfully. Truth is not a good business plan. Non of this is new. Where do you think false history is created? We are watching it being manufactured every day.

I’ll look on some of my other drives., but I’m not sure I have anything from that hoax.

Dude your commentary is fuckin great!!!!

Have you ever wished galloping cancer on someone before? If I ever do, this bitch would be first.

I am THE expert on the Pulse Fraud. rnI am looking for the crisis actor "father" of the teen (I don’t remember if from Chicago or Australia) who was "mistakenly" portraited as victim/missing in the Manchester Firecracker Hoax. This piece of trash has a cap, is only given a name and appears a few seconds but I am absolutely SURE he’s a previous crisis actor. If you happen to have videos on the Manchester Ariana Grande Hoax, please post them.

Jeff Rense should be in this category as well.

Hey brother how do I put a profile picture on this damn thing?

Those pieces of trash are throwing shit at a wall. They mess with the wrong group thats for sure.

Mark Dice, Watson and Jones: The Bad, The Really Bad and The Ugly.