
I thought the same thing about not naming the real enemy. Some of his stuff is interesting while some is way out there. I think we all know who the real enemy is.

Crochime, I told the FBI the same about Alex Jones this week.

I didn’t know that. I’ll look into it.

You and Anaconda have more power then you realize.

Who is Alex Jones wanna-be? Attacking Hitler, fascism, globalism, liberalism, and comparing liberals to the 3rd reich...all while never naming the enemy?. The only thing missing was ’it’s the communist chinese behind it’. This is the ’alt right’ ideology. Who’s behind this type of alt right ideology?...that’s right it’s the jew.

Next potential POTUS, watching?


They did it because her husband is a crook (check criminal records). ;)

Can’t help that duping delight.

And all credit to C Granny for the Title, I stole it from one of her comments.

It’s the data cross referencing that helps us find them "victims" alive, not this name/number BULLSHIT theory which, on the contrary, gives THEM a cheap shot in our flank by propagandizing we’re all crazy. Same goes with his chosen nickname. It’s not about the jews. The jews are FLIES like the rest of us, we need to unite mankind not help them divide it (it’s our message against theirs and they’ve got the strongest propaganda tools. We need FACTS not stupid nicks and BS theories).

I heard through the grape vine something about two conspiracy theorist being arrested. Got to get that gun pic in some of them to make it seem extra scary and threatening. Damn you media demons.

"....I’d walk a mile.....for a Truther Light..."

"MOM we got a satisfied customer! " Will upload the sequel i a couple of minutes

Indeed he is .. he is an importent gatekeeper 4 them and for them.. trumpniks.. or what the hell their called .. as i don’t buy into politics.. Peace Bro.

Katherine Roig must be her FB friend....

Just how big was this closet? Good vid.

not a drop what a bunch of scumbags

Right on brother , how could anyone that knows me think I am stupid enough to throw it all away for a handful of these demons , motherfuckers I want them ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for your time and hard work.