
That would be quite telling.

25:45 in. Noah Pozner = Michael Vabner. (They used an old photo when Michael Vabner was a child) –

It’s a Mock Trial. No one died. A Phony Fake Show – As usually. With youths been used in political propaganda = Disarming America.

Yes, I know that the Earth is stationary too. There are more than two Earth models.

As part of 9/11 payoffs, here is some poop on Noory

Great stuff... Has the pp..

Mr Murdoch yessss. I agree, he should upload here – No more strikes!

I love Russians because he knows that the earth is not spinning in 1,000 mph. And I like him for 1,000 other reasons. Super duper videos through the years. And extra plus for his cool voice.

Never saw this before. Looks like Shannon Hicks with cops. A lot of bottled water. And smiles, just the thing you do in a mass shooting.

And still today, that moron George Noorey, talks about how Sandy Hook was a real school shooting.

Sizzorfite. Very clever comment. I like that.

Whats completely odd is this is whacky in mobile but desktop it works just fine. Completely weird. I submitted a ticket to the coders to see what they can figure out.

Cohen to the hospital Lolol well that’s mad ain’t it I’ve been into hip hop my whole life only jus heard of this Cohen cat heard of Jimmy from interscope it’s funny watching these jokers and there foolery young thug wearing dresses and shit gay mafia running rap urban culture shits crazy salute truth !

I love Russianvids (despite his FE nonsense) but why doesn’t he post on 153News? At least here he can speak his mind.

Yeah its over at that site.

The guy with the passion in his voice – I love you Russianvids!

Definitely a match! Would have been nice to nail daddy Kevin Ralph Hogg as an employee of defence contractor Cubic Corporation or Cubic Simulations, headquartered in San Diego with a branch office in Florida (Orlando or Fort Lauderdale). Only problem is that the profile photo of the Cubic employee named K.R.Hogg on LinkedIn looks nothing like the guy in the Hogg family photos.

Or maybe she discover that media and politician are fraudster – and she become the best Truther the world ever seen.

With this passion in her voice, I guess it’s here hobby. And in my opinion – I think this is more ’rock n roll’ than if she sit at home and watching Disney movies. That’s brainwashed too. She is lovely.

YouTube is MSM and MSM belongs to the Illuminati. The fake shootings are their tool to disarm the americans in view of their goal: the NWO. rnrnThe bullshit about the advertisers is just plainly in your sight. Barry Soetoro had 200.000K subscribers last time I checked. TERMINATED. Those 200k are viewers and viewers are targeted by ads whatever their beliefs are.