
He’s not a loser, he’s a TERRORIST.

I am uploading the Boston Unbombing by PlasmaBurns, stay tuned.

Youtube bullied me to shut up with strikes and termination...for the "crime" of bullying people I’ve never met. People who could just not watch what they find offensive or could discredit me if I were lying. The reality is youtube is a failed business model unless they only publish content that advertisers are willing to be associated with. The question is, do people actually associate the content with the advertisers? I don’t because I do not pay attention to whatever they advertise. And, I know that ad placement is directed to potential buyers not specific content.

I think laugh for 10 minutes after I seen this.

Yes, I agree, it is really disgusting to attack a 11-years old girl. She is positive, that’s mean that she create positive energy.

Complete sellout. Set up for life? I hope this is one hoax too far, and these things get blown wide open. But I said that the last school-mass-shooting. Nice video btw.

Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone. This girl is sunshine! So cute.

I didn’t make this video. i didn’t upload it. i dont understand how this is happening

This little lamb will grow up to be a wonderful sheep.

If she is this good now, I think she has talent for theater or a role in a movie.

Glad to hear he finely came out of the closet. I bet he didn’t get all the money he was promised for fucking up his lines.

When you were 11- years old, I guess you believe that the moon landing was real. Are you screwed for life for that? She is lovely, she can speak with a flow.

Hi, this girl is 11 years old, what did you know about the world at that time? She express energy. I find it strange that adult man are jumping on a 11-years old girl. And I doubt that you could do a charming performance as this one.

Looks like a match great work

Lying bastard Israel says Cruz ditched gear up stairs, didn’t shoot anyone on 3rd floor.

Will do

Same video they say he "ran down 3 flights of stairs"! Every timeline says Cruz went up the stairs to the 3rd floor just to ditch his gear, didn’t shoot at all on 3rd floor.

She’s a cutie but utterly brainwashed.

And Orlando?

Thank you