
they altered the beginning sky scenes in this video... ...almost all of the film that has been put to digital has chem clouds in know this is a key to show just how they want us to think. along with stagings and mega fake stories....i call it faked and baked

More about the staged event i Norway July 22, 2011: - Mirror a snippet - Wake up people video 1 – Norway Government Building – Ole Dammegard. Link:

Very convincing and very interesting!! Thanks for the video!!

this was also touched up ---you can clearly see that it was originally no color

the original film was not colorized

And all the rest of the garbage NASA and Elon Musk present as real.

Yes it is scary, it is 2018, and there are people out there that still believe that we went to the moon.

As real as Apollo missions, indeed.

Some of Hoaxland’s videos have black thumbnails, but they works. So don’t think the videos is gone.

The pastor of that church should read the good book. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour. "Thou shall not lie"

All I can say is dirty motherfuckers. Hope Side Thorn and C.Granny get out of trouble. The only real trouble, it seems to me, was itself manufactured by dirty motherfuckers...they need to be hung for their lies/crimes against humanity. It’s like George Bush Senior said in an interview with a crooked media whore in 1992: When asked: ‘What will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran contra?’ He answered: ‘Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.’

Sandy CROOK - Still raking in the money based upon a web of lies and deception!

Ah good to know, you never stop learning.

You probably uploaded it before I subbed to you. :-)rnWant me to remove it?

The *mythical* LYING Len is not learning is he? As the old saying goes - Give em enough rope ......

In fact I was even arrested and locked up with a high bail just like you on bogus charges which were dismissed as soon as it went to a grand jury. Then I got hit with contempt of court charges from 3 different towns in which I had no connections. All bogus charges, all dismissed but it ruined me for a while. That was them telling me to back off unless I want more of the same. Mess with one of us and we will destroy your life. I believe they are doing this to you now. It’s just sad just how corrupt it all is. So good luck , just be careful.

This video was ALREADY up on my channel 3-4 days before you uploaded it .

Reply to Sidethorn- Thank you also. Like I said I was in a very similar situation with a cop. It was the same thing with the prosecutors office here. Nothing but the run around. I had this guy, the cop, nailed 100% for grand theft. Complete paper trail of it all and I laid it in the prosecutors lap. But they never "got around to it" because he was a cop with connections. More>

Thank You Bob!!! God bless you!!! Thanks for your support!

Keep up the fight! This false flag stuff is infuriating.