
Amen, now they start pre-school at three. My kids are grown but if they were still young they would be home school for sure. These kids are being programmed to be defenseless and dependent on the puppet masters!

Well said Miss Matilda.


LOL exactly... Like the description says.. This just a new twist on agenda.

I admit I just recently heard of Side Thorn on Peekays podcast not to long ago. That’s when I heard they were arrested for investigating the Texas Church shooting. Im all for getting in the faces of these liars, and I hope they continue what they are doing. I just hope that we aren’t dealing with Alex Jones type hype like when he was on Peirs Morgan.:P

I follow Claudia. And she is spot on with regard to this!!!!!

And there it is. An anti-crisis crisis actor, compliments of your pseudo right wing news outlet - where nothing is real. If all of this were real, this kid would get his ass beat by a wave of teenage useful idiots at school the next day. - putting him on TV with this message would put him in danger. Lawyers working for media know this and they clear every word that’s broadcast to avoid liability and to protect all corporate relationships....which is why most news is fake. They are legally bound to lie to you about almost everything. Truth is only an option when it has no financial liability associated with it. With 24/7 News coverage to fill with content under these constraints you gotta know that it’s bullshit.

Great video. Yeah the clowns are out of control . Love the Jerky Boys sample. Hilarious

I can’t stand to look at Cenk’s face, it instilles rage in me. All they do is Parrot the opposite of what Bill Hicks does on infowars. Both programs are working together to keep division, and control the mob.

I got banned from Bill Hicks Jones and freinds channel for talking about Bill Cooper, and his Y2K mess during his exploding on Piers Morgan.

New site name for this feakshow. Squiggy... Lenny was the cool one. lol

Cops out of control!!!


haha as they want to put the sane in mental instituitions. now this is crazy!

Going to get worse if they dump him on the circuit. If he STAY on the circuit we know its BS agenda.. if this was a one time thing, its not due to go full force YET.

Seems like we need to be looking at the other agenda being snuck in. I been saying this for some time,. See here when trump actually say it OUTLOUD!!! It make sense. It fits well. Time will tell but time is not on our side. Yea.. humor. lol... need it for the sanity thru things.

Dang the traitors never cease exist. That was pretty funny bro. Good clip. We are screwed.

Thats some bags under those eyes. Son have you slept in the last week?

When the entire world moved to the new freqs and all HD came alive, it is now an easy medium to use even more dastardly things. Check out Hendricus G. Loos work as well. thank you for ups.

Hrm... dunno.. maybe Squiggy? lol... Keep after em jb! +1