
I should have copied my links, but I screen captioned them and saved to a thumb drive. I’ll try to go back and find everything. First time I did a video like this. I usually let NowTheTruthTV (aka LivingOnPlanetZ) handle these, but I was finding too much dirt to let it go unnoticed.

Your not censored. But you cant go to war here. I know you believe what you believe but you call anyone else with a different view an idiot while sitting as a holy roller.

Why 66 books in the Bible and why do Christians worship on SUNday. Have you even read the Bible from cover to cover? When I read my Bible its clear, our Father is about commandment keeping. Christians dont keep commandments. They live like spoiled rotten brats eating food our Father has said not to while waiting for an unBiblical rapture.

This is an odd one. It doesnt have the "mental" aspect to it.. YET! Maybe this is more on a new pattern of BS that will "show" that "pre-cogging" people would stop this as well as the gun grab. Just tossing that out for now. 😂

And here’s where your "I don’t censor anyone here!" shtick falls apart I bet.

Nice compilation! Don’t forget it was Abraham Zapruder who filmed and Jacob Rubenstein who killed Oswald. Jews controlled the narrative from beginning to end. Also, look at the mockery today near elm street and grassy knoll...holohoax museum next door.

If you don’t recognize the King James Bible as being God’s authoritative Word, then we truly are not brothers. You are deceived. I won’t let lies stand in the comments. Your goofball pall "Jerry" deleted every comment I made, so don’t go playing that card. You’re not after the truth, bud. You’re following along right into Satan’s trap. Repent.

Anyone who talks about "Yahweh" has been duped into the sacred name garbage doctrine and has zero connection to Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible. You’re being played by the very evil you fear. A misguided, delusional SDA cult were murdered by Janet Reno. People were burned. There’s no such thing as a "star of David" it’s the star of Remphan which Solomon reintroduced into Israel when he fell into witchcraft. It’s a hexagram, and it’s an evil symbol. The nation state of "Israel" is not the Israel of the Bible. Christians are Israel. Christians are heirs to the promise of the seed of Abraham. Galatians 3:29-30 spells it out.

David Hogg is Kims son LMAO nice work buddy!

David Hogg is Kim’s son LMAO

Great work. You have a wonderful shovel :) Could you drop link to guys mention in description to me please? Search engines have a way of given sht information.. thank you.

Well, yea. Jews own everything and if you know their system of religion is the Qaballah then its easy to spot their codes in hoaxes. Seriously, this iswhy I think they should be pointed out. See my vids on inversion, both facebook and twitter , nasa, flip into israeli flags and color and are encoded according to the system of magick of the qaballah, and the key of solomon. If you want to see what we are being programmed with then there it is, the source of the codes. Crowley book 777 or the Hermetic Qaballah.

Are you trying to send me a message since I am here?😉

Brother you lost and you dont fit in here. Sorry. You call everyone out who doesnt see your point of view and really I see your Bible skills lacking. When you realize that King James was a free mason and there is a reason we have 66 books. Sorry man...your not the right fit here. I have tried to reason with you as others and you delete comments. Makes no sense. Your not after the truth, your after what you feel is your version ot the truth and your ego has you stilll stuck in the matrix What sucks is I liked 99% of your stuff but you just wanna war. sorry.

Yours as well. You are brilliant! :)

hahahahha pisser

Thanks. I don’t hate LTV, but he has an agenda I somewhat disagree with for now. I LTV does an interview. It would be interesting.

Waco was a 100% hoax. Koresh is a jew. They flew the star of david and he even had ties to israeLIE state. No jews are not one of the tribes of Israel...whoever tells you that run...also get out of your ’church’ if they don’t identify the jews as the serpent seedline. Go read john 8. YAHWEH Identifies the jews as not part of HIM but that of the devil. Take a look at REV 2:9...those are the people who call themselves jews today.

I’ve been in contact with LTV and St. LTV wants to interview St and St said he is willing to do it. I know St has a few prior agreements with a few other channels for interviews that would come before this. But I believe it is in the works. Have a good day

Good advice. Thanks for the video