
Same old same old . Thanks Austin !

Jason is the man !

Yes they are and we are making note of every single one , thank you !

Right on Elvis , thanks so much !

Some look at pics. It is close but not quite, imo.

Thanks so much Manus , you are why we are here !rn

And we will never forget it !

Thank all you guys so much , we love you all ! Jason is one true blue hardcore warrior and he is in this thing to win it !!!

ok this is why I am tossing it out. you guys have much better eyes than me.

Makes perfect sense to me. I will support Side Thorn and Conspiracy Granny and 153 as much as I can.

doesn’t look like a match

I wish there was rules for behavier like this. Attacking and then delete all comments. Covard.

TheTruthIsSweet: please stop harrassing me. I don’t wanna support this site anymore bec of ppl like you. This is a truthseeker-site. NOT a place where you can attack ppl. Your paranoya is not my problem so please stop this. Leave me alone.

Probably a truther...they’ll say he was a child molester & found child porno on his computer like they always do.

I am saying that for your good.