
Charles Frye aka CW aka Chuckie, is one of the main people Jerry is talking about. I hope when Justice knocks on his door its swift and severe. Just the limp sound of Chuckies voice makes my blood boil. There is a growing movement of people waking up and I believe these hoaxes will be exposed one day and the people that perpetrated them deserve the harshest of treatment.

If I was there and saw a nice pair of size 13 hi-tops, they are mine. 😀

The NCAA Is Coming To Texas March 31st To April 2 It Will Be A Big Gathering For A Event.I Am Not Saying Anything Will Happen During But A Chance Of It.

Love you brother , we will stay away and make sure we have a good alibi with plenty of witnesses . Sad world we live in ...

thanks! Love your work too! How many damn times have we found Fake News connected to these stories? Too many too count! It’s usually ABC/Disney too, but they are all guilty! Fox had interns at the Pulse Hoax and another hoax. I didn’t even go into this hoax looking for a Fake News connection. I just expected to find shady chicago dems, and found much more!

Exactly! I’ve been saying this since Parkland Hoax started! It was more about "Mental Health" (aka let’s ban guns from truthers, anti-vaxers, etc), and that will come over time just like all the shit they got away with after 9/11! Same bullshit!

ST and CG: When LTV started his video, it was to show you in a negative view. The article and RT at the beginning were to put that in viewers’ minds first before showing your video clip. Imo, that was intentional. Maybe you see it different, if you have talked to LTV. It would be nice if he interviewed the both of you. He thinks Trump bashers flagged that vid on YT now that it is deleted I told him wrong, it was because it was about ST and CG and it was a planned deletion by YT. If I am wrong, I will delete post. 😀

Wow, what despicable people! Being a news anchor is all about working for the agenda, and even pimping out your dead family. Shame. (Good work!)

love your work!

This has got to be CGI. There never was something like that in Italy until last October (2017) when I personally started documenting it. It’s either CGI or not Italy, unless proven otherwise.

Nice Video

I am waiting for Chris Hurst from VA Parker shooting to file something. The perp got elected to Congress. What a scam.

These videos are a gold mine. It takes you into what Lenny’s paranoia is like and how you respond.

I hate Star-Wars

It is not Lenny.

The higher the hertz the more susceptible the mind is to a trance induced state. Normal waking consciousness operates around 500-700 hertz. Adjust that Into say...1200hz and you are crossing the threshold into the subjective dream state. All degrees in between vary in levels of trance and the mind is susceptible to imprinting in them. Of course they use this technique in t.v. mk ultra proramming.

thanks! This was 2 full days of research and digging. I had tons more evidence to prove it all, but I wanted to keep it under 5 minutes. People can look up these people on their own and do their own research if they want to see more pictures of these actWhores and their connections. The fake dead dad is not who they claimed, but how they connected the fake family to Chicago! .

Excellent work!. The Globalist cabal keeps piling up the shit and Amercians can’t eat it quick enough.

A wise man told me about fifty years ago believe nothing you hear and maybe half of what you see. That’s more like ten percent of what you see today !

They sure have very big and old closet Queens in that School?