
Debbie and her do some solid work if you can get over the hippy new agey stuff they often espouse. They have their hearts in the right place as far as I can tell and are patriots fighting a common cause.

Its Jade Helm 15, realistic military training, Helm is an acronym for "Homeland Eradication of Local Militants". It started in 2015 and has never ended. The are flying in Russians by the plane loads to carry out these drills in schools and everywhere else. No more drills, no more schools kids will die. Nick cruz will be given the death penalty, he will lay in a room while on lookers watch them administer a lethal dose of something he will fall asleep and die. NOT. they will actually give him a placebo, he will close his eyes, they will wheel him out, and the next day he will be flown to a remote location, where he will spend the rest of hi life. While all of the sheeple think he was put to death. Nick cruz had nothing to do with parkland. nothing.

So....why don’t we have an anti-Lenny network? He acts like a mini ADL. If we knew his address, we could send him thousands of stool samples. Maybe, I should join the HONR network and see what I can do from the inside. After all, they terminated my youtube account. Now that I’m not wasting my time there, I have time for a new mission. I wonder how they’ll like me now? I don’t care what a bunch of online personalities represented by digital ones and zeros think about my digitally represented personality online.

That’s Lenny. Why would he be hiding his face for all these years? He knows he’s one small step away from being exposed just like David Wheeler was.

I feel the same, they now want cops in every school as prison guards. They basically did that in a week in florida after Parkland, Governor was all for it. Then martial law will happen when that generation is adults and have already been programmed for the security state. It starts in schools and they have been planning this for decades.

Lenny has a larger double chin , larger gut, and bigger (longer) ears than that guy.

Many many many people are coming forward sending us so much info. Keep it up. We are building multiple cases at the same time.

I know nothing about this video other than Lenny absolutally hates it. I would like to know why.

It scares the youtubers but some people are built for this. You just cant pass up your chance of a once in a lifetime do or die battle. We know their plans, we are just trying to prevent them.

Oh yeah...Look at the beating Side Thorn is taking for all of us. People forwarded me the comments. One guy couldnt stand my lets get to battle tone and I get it... estrogen levels are high thanks to Monsanto, but some men are still wanting to return fire. Watch what happens to the traffic on the next hoax here. Ides of March baby and Ole said 18th in or around Austin or Dallas or some area. They got Side Thorn benched prior to the play. Thanks Vice! I knew it and I told you Side Thorn...I was right about them :(

Jason would never fuck us brother , trust me ! Have a wonderful week and keep up the great work !

Thanks so much Jerry , thank God for friends like you ! Elvis , the DA here in Caldwell County has not even received the charges we filed , the sheriff department keeps making shit excuses , like the woman handling the paperwork is out sick etc. and the DA in Wilson County has not received the charges filed against us from the sheriff department . Always the chickenshit games with these bought and paid for pigs .

The jew will slander you, smear you, imprison you, maybe kill you but they can NEVER change the truth. "It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know that I was right," - Adolf Hitler 1945

Says the guy out doing time for our sakes. Brother this is what world class teams look like. Until the end my friend.

Chuck P , you have always been there brother !

The cop reminds me of the short cop on Barney Miller who never could get promoted to Barney’s office.

Love you brother , you have always been there !

Right on guys !

Thank God wonderful witnesses like you saw all that footage before they stole them all . Your word is gold and that makes the world to us and makes us feel those videos are still alive !