
Well when there is a fake event and money is donated for something that didnt happen, thats fraud.

Great job! It’s becoming cliche that the victims of these false flags are usually just the younger images of the older people involved in the psyop (e.g., the Sandy Hook choir at the Super Bowl composed of the very children whose younger images "died" at Sandy Hook a couple months earlier). No doubt the Controllers get some good laughs in their dens of iniquity over such tomfoolery. That is to say, they no doubt really enjoy publicly rubbing our noses in it via the media they control.

The Big Bad Truthing Daddy . Lol

Are you related to Big Poppa Pump ? Lol

LOL! Defrauded HOW????

Yes the run a lot there and Austin is one of biggest Psyop centers. So yes your right Russ and I’m glad others are starting to take notice. Me and Bill did a video a couple a weeks ago about why so much activity comes out of Austin and is in Austin.

Park your fingers, open up your eyes and ears, and go watch the video I just uploaded "His name is Jesus" It points out how every single thing you just said is wrong.

fighting back doesn’t justify shooting the person. Can’t you just fight him while calling for back up until he is subdued?

We slap Him in the face by not being obedient it’s true, but that in no way means we are under the yoke of commandment keeping. Our sins are forgiven. The yoke is lifted. Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.rnrnYou’re trying to earn your eternal life, but you can’t ever. I’m sure you like to impress people with saying you’ve read the entire Bible cover to cover over 35 times, but I doubt that’s the truth. I don’t know anyone who slogs through the book of Numbers even once for example. I agree that people need to become more familiar with God’s Word, but the simple gospel message of salvation is much more important than any of that academic head knowledge. rnrnHow are you saved? Tell me who Jesus is to you?

You are correct JC has no connection to YAHWEH. Jesus Christ is a pagan creation by the Roman Catholic church who wrote the holy biblica [book of the sun]. Born on pagan christmas and died on pagan easter [ishtar]. In regards to ’the books’ or ’parchments’ of the history and law of the race of adam...The JEWS changed the name YHVH [Strong’s H3068] to lord 6000+ times in your king james bible. When you call upon lord you are calling upon baal. An no it’s not the seed of Abraham who has the covenant or ’promise’ it was passed down to Isaac then to Jacob who was surnamed Israel. If you’re pagan so be it but don’t claim to be Christian with that garble.

Brother, I will watch, but unless people that are teaching this word can tell me why I shouldn’t be following commands, it won’t matter much. The more I read the Bible, the more it tells me every religion out there is horribly screwed up. The fact that people teach from this ’Bible’ and haven’t read it is wicked at best. When people read the Bible, they see that everything I am saying is what the Bible says. I have taken everything man made out of this and my life is the Torah life and I will take the blessings from our Father that he says he gives....because he also says if you dont keep commandments, he will curse you. Bearded brother, I say this in love, I was a Christian, I won’t do that to our messiah anymore. I understand he had to die because we weren’t keeping commandments. So by me not keeping commandments, I am slapping Him in the face.


I’m uploading a special series of educational videos just for you Jason. Sit tight. Make sure you watch them. Can’t teach you anything if you don’t take in the information. I’ve heard your side aplenty.

Ok so lets go there. Paul says right? So because Paul says people miss the boat. When you read the Torah and you understand the commands we should be keeping, when you get into acts you see something different than you see anywhere else. You see Paul and Barnabus and others begin their church building mission. Where did our Messiah say to go build churches. The correct translation of church is assembly taken from the word Eclesia. If you want to only believe acts, why even have the old testament. You have to read the entire Bible as a guide to you. I have read the Torah and the Bible at least 35 times through, cover to cover. Each day my family reads as a family and every Saturday, Sabboth, that is all we do is read the Torah, the gosepls and engrain this on our hearts, minds, and souls. Thats what the Torah tells me. So I am a commandment keeper, I have no religion. I grew up 30 years in the baptist religion and when I started reading the Bible I found out that it wasn’t what the man in the pulpit was telling me.

The word christian and church isn’t even a Biblical word. Its a word people have picked up from Paul and the apostles. When our messiah walked this earth he never said go build churches. His message was this, if you love me, keep my commandments. The commands he is talking about is His Fathers, the Torah. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Those books tell us to keep the commands for all generations. Those books tell us of a life style that is contrary to every ’Christian’ out there. The word of God is the Torah, Jesus is that Torah made flesh. I don’t deny the word of God at all, in context it is what it is. Matthew 7 is about modern day Christians. Its about people who cast out demons in Jesus name, or heal in his name. He tells everyone, if your working iniquity (which is lawlessness) you won’t get in. Every single person who says they are a Christian believes a prayer at 8 years old is gonna get you in. The Bible doesn’t say that at all. So when you say we should be talking about being saved. Being saved means calling upon the name of our savior Jesus the Christ / Yeshua the Hamachiac and THEN starting a covenant lifestyle by obeying commands. This is what the Bible says, I dont parrot anything because I have read the Bible and I know what it says and for those who preach the Bible and don’t know what it says, well thats 99% of Christians I encounter.

I’m surprised the fake news hasn’t moved to CGI exclusively. I guess that’s the next move to get around the real truthers.

I don’t preach a pre-trib rapture lie. The Bible is clear in Matthew 24 that *after* the tribulation of those days... rnI don’t wear a cross. I don’t think Christians should wear zodiac crosses. I wear a fish hook because Jesus said we are to be fishers of men. Are you a fisher of men Jason?

Acts 15 spells out all the commandments (ordinances) you’re required to keep; no fornication, meat sacrificed to idols, or blood rituals. That’s it. The rest of the law and the prophets hang on the commandments given by Jesus in rnMatthew 22:37-40 rn37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.rn38 This is the first and great commandment.rn39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.rn40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.rn

I have tons and tons of Chemtrail photos , clearer photos ,that I would like to upload on , but for some reason this site will not allow me to upload ANY pictures . Every day I try again , and ever day it goes almost all the way thru the uploading process but it won’t allow to click the " submit " button . I might just have to make a slideshow video like this one . I probably have over 350 pictures on my phone that I took myself of Chemtrails in the central Massachusetts area where I live .

I don’t believe I used the word idiot here. I’ve used it in the past, and I consider several people idiots because they demonstrate idiocy. I’m a Christian and I don’t worship on Sunday. You’ve got things all jumbled up in your head and you could be doing the Lord’s work dispelling Christian myths and fables per 2 Timothy 4:2-5 rnWhy don’t you spend time telling people how to be saved and spared judgement? Make videos about the myths and pagan practices real believers in Jesus Christ have been duped into following by the Roman Catholic Church? Even the protestant churches observe them... I’m all about putting a stop to Christmas, Easter, Halloween... all of the pagan solstice / fertility observances. rnrnBut this isn’t about that right now, this is about you denying God’s Word. You’ve obviously not studied the origin of the KJV and have instead just parroted lies that you’ve picked up along the way.